by John Lanagan
My Word Like Fire Ministries
In January, Lighthouse Trails revealed that Rick Warren had recruited three doctors, all Eastern/new age meditation proponents, to help create his Daniel Plan diet.
Warren enthusiastically introduced the three men to the Saddleback Church congregation, and to thousands of Christians around the country. This was tantamount to a recommendation of the books, DVDs, and other products by Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Daniel Amen, and Dr. Mehmet Oz–some of which include and promote anti-biblical meditation practices. Whatever Rick Warren’s motivation, this also potentially exposed many in the Body of Christ to Reiki.
In the ensuing days, as the controversy mounted, Rick Warren took a stance against Eastern/new age meditation, despite the fact that it was his decision to select these men to guide the Daniel Plan in the first place. In a strange sort of defense, Warren actually attempted to portray the bloggers concerned about this as people who were themselves against biblical meditation!
Even after all this, anti-biblical meditation is still included in the Daniel Plan. So is hypnosis. In the Daniel Plan “Brain Type Action Plans,” those with the (supposedly) ”Anxious” Brain (Type 5) are recommended these options:
Meditation: (go to the Relaxation Room for meditation sessions) Hypnosis: (go to the Relaxation Room for hypnosis sessions) links removed by Saddleback) (Click here for links and to read the rest of this article.)
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