LTRP Note: Robert Webber was one of the major influencers of the current emerging church movement.
From Christianity Today
Tabby Yang
May 1, 2007
Author of more than 40 books on worship, Webber was criticized, then lauded, for emphasizing early church practices.
Robert E. Webber, a theologian well-known for his work on worship and the early church, died of pancreatic cancer on April 27 at his home in Sawyer, Michigan. He was 73. At the time of his death, Webber was the William R. and Geraldyn B. Myers professor of ministry at Northern Seminary in Lombard, Ill. He was also the president of the Institute for Worship Studies in Jacksonville, Florida, and professor of theology emeritus at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois. Click here to read more of this news article.
[I]n the Eucharist, the church ascends into the heavens and experiences the consummation of God’s story in the new heavens and the new earth. There is a personal dimension to worship. Worship is the contemplation, the delight in our own heart that comes from hearing and enacting the story of how God renews the face of the earth through his Son and Spirit. The other response to worship is the choice we make to participate in purposes of God for the world that worship celebrates. This is how song, Scripture, prayer, and Eucharist nourish our spiritual life.–Robert Webber, in a Christianity Today article, talking about the Eucharist (Catholic communion in which the elements become the actual presence of Christ – see Another Jesus for more information on how this is coming into evangelicalism)