Search Results for: "acts 29"

Acts 29 Network (Driscoll): More Connections to Contemplative and Emerging

Mark Driscoll, emerging church leader and owner of Acts 29 Network, and soon to be speaker at John Piper’s Desiring God conference, has strong connections to both contemplative spirituality and the emerging church. Acts 29 has partnered with Western Seminary…

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Mark Driscoll and Acts 29 Network – Promoting Contemplative

  Mark Driscoll, the president of Acts 29 Network, became part of the original Emergent team that Leadership Network brought together. In a Criswell Theological Seminary article, Driscoll stated: “In the mid-1990s I was a young church planter trying to…

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Letter to the Editor: Does Lighthouse Trails Only Cover the Contemplative Prayer Issue?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I was thinking about the cost of mail and how it affects your ministry.  I wonder whether it would now require broader topics to keep it going.  So many of your readers like me have read your…

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List of 50 Top Contemplative-Promoting Organizations Adds 8 Runner Ups

In 2012, Lighthouse Trails posted the “50 Top Organizations With a Significant Role in Bringing Contemplative Spirituality to the Church.” We are reposting this list for those who may not have seen it then, and we have added 8 “runner…

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Question: How to Find a Biblical Teaching Church?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Can you recommend how to find a biblical teaching church that is not on the contemplative/emergent/Acts 29 path? My husband and I are feeling so unsettled about how these movement seem to be creeping in to all…

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50 Top Organizations With a Significant Role in Bringing Contemplative Spirituality to the Church

From 10 years of research at Lighthouse Trails Research Project, we have found the following fifty organizations to have had a significant role in bringing contemplative spirituality into the evangelical/Protestant church. If you do not know or understand the implications…

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Rick Warren Says Those Who Focus on Bible Prophecy “Not fit for the kingdom of God”

By Roger Oakland Many who were once looking for the return of Jesus have fallen asleep. We now live in a period of time where numerous prominent Christian leaders are telling the Christian masses that paying attention to the signs…

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WorldNetDaily on Mark Driscoll and Rick Warren: Growing trend to meet with Muslims rings alarm bells for some

By Michael Carl WorldNetDaily Rick Warren promotes un-biblical interspirituality  The effort among some Christian churches to meet with Muslims and dialogue about faith is a betrayal of the basic foundations of Christianity, asserts a critic of the developing trend.  “Useful…

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CrossTalk Calls Mark Driscoll and Liberty University To Task for Compromising the Faith

These two commentaries in from Ingrid Schlueter of CrossTalk: Mark Driscoll Church Plant Works with Hamas Front Group Click here to listen to the prayer at Harambee Church in Renton, Washington back in March. The sound of the Islamic call…

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Mark Driscoll IS a Contemplative Proponent

Mark Driscoll is a name that has grown in popularity among evangelicals especially over the past few years. Somewhat known for his vulgar and crass language in public, he has been invited to speak at conferences by a wide assortment of…

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Christian Post Says Mark Driscoll “Ditches” Emergent but Evidence Proves Otherwise

The Christian Post has released an article titled “Mars Hill Pastor Ditches ‘Emerging’ Label for Jesus.” However, in a January 11th article by Lighthouse Trails Mark Driscoll Rejects McLaren But Embraces Contemplative, Mark Driscoll’s rejection of Brian McLaren and Doug…

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Mark Driscoll Rejects McLaren But Embraces Contemplative

Since last Fall, when Mark Driscoll, pastor of Mars Hill Church, denounced some of the teachings of emerging church leaders Brian McLaren and Doug Pagitt at the Convergence Conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, his talk has been the topic…

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