Letter from the Editor: Is Mariner’s Church OK for My Daughter?

To Lighthouse Trails: Do you know anything about Kenton Beshore of Mariners Church in Irvine, Ca. It is a mega-church that my daughter likes, but I don’t know too much  about it.  I could not find anything on it from the Lighthouse Trails  site. Our answer: We are familiar with Mariner’s as it is the “mother” … [Read more…]

“Death by Church” – Emergent New Paradigm Pastor to Speak at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa

Emerging/emergent spirituality is making serious inroads into Christianity. Churches and Christian colleges, unaware of the subtle undermining of such spirituality, are embracing teachers and leaders of this movement and pointing others to them. Often they are unaware of what these teachers really believe and teach. In light of an event (Movement 2009) scheduled to take … [Read more…]

The Inclusive Gospel

by Understand the Times with Roger Oakland   Eddie Gibbs and Ryan K. Bolger have co-authored Emerging Churches: Creating Christian Community in Postmodern Cultures. This book is published by Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group. A claim posted at the top of the back cover states: “The Best Book Yet on the Emerging Church.” … [Read more…]