Search Results for: john piper

John Piper Says No to Catholic Contemplatives But Yes to Protestant Contemplatives

This past week we received an e-mail from a reader who brought to our attention a video online showing where popular Calvinist teacher John Piper is asked the question: “Is there such a thing as contemplative prayer or Christian meditation…

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John Piper Interview: Rick Warren is “Biblical” – “He’s Been Slandered”

In a Christianity Today interview with popular evangelical teacher John Piper, Piper is questioned for his recent invitation of Rick Warren to his Desiring God conference, which brought criticism to Piper. In the interview, Piper states the following: CT: You…

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John Piper Invites Rick Warren to Speak at Desiring God Conference

Update: See our more recent article on this topic: John Piper Interview: Rick Warren is “Biblical” – “He’s Been Slandered” LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails finds it no surprise that popular preacher John Piper has invited New Age sympathizer Leonard Sweet co-worker Rick…

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Desiring God (i.e., John Piper) Says OK to Mark Driscoll at Conference

This is a follow up of a report we released last week regarding John Piper’s Desiring God conference. The report stated: The Desiring God 2006 National Conference, to be held on September 29th, will be addressing “the Supremacy of Christ…

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Does Mark Driscoll Belong at John Piper’s Conference?

In the following video (See video.) John Piper responds to criticisms about his bringing Mark Driscoll into his Desiring God conference (taking place on September 29th). In the video, Piper rightly analyzes the dangerous trend of the trivialization of doctrine…

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WARNING: John Piper Conference Includes Contemplative Promoting Speaker

The Desiring God 2006 National Conference, to be held on September 29th, will be addressing “the Supremacy of Christ in a postmodern world.” According to John Piper, founder of the Desiring God ministries, speakers for the national conference are “eager…

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False Revival Kick-Started by Francis Chan, Rodney Howard Browne, Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, and Todd White

How do you start a true revival with key controversial NAR leaders—ask Francis Chan; he was there. Former pastor Francis Chan, who recently spoke at The Send conference in Florida with numerous NAR leaders such as Benny Hinn, Bill Johnson, Todd White, and Rodney Howard Browne, said in his own defense for sharing such a platform:

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John MacArthur Long-Standing Broadcast Favorably Quotes Dallas Willard – Why This is a Bad Move

This past weekend, Lighthouse Trails received the following letter from one of our readers: To Lighthouse Trails: Please listen to the sermon dated August 21st [at Grace to You].  I was shocked when John MacArthur promoted Dallas Willard.  Has anyone else contacted you…

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Lighthouse Trails 2023 Year in Review—Part 1—Top 5 Letters to the Editor

At the end of each year, Lighthouse Trails presents its Year in Review, divided into different parts. Below is the first part of our 2023 Year in Review. While we receive numerous letters, comments, calls, and e-mails throughout the year,…

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Letter to the Editor From Two Women: What Are We Doing Wrong?

Dear Lighthouse Trails: This note is actually from two people—my friend Elizabeth and myself (Ann).  Elizabeth and I have known one another for 12 years—we met at a Bible study in my home. She still lives in ___________ and I’m…

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NEW BOOKLET: Psychedelic Seduction: Drugging the World and the Church

Psychedelic Seduction: Drugging the World and the Church by Richard and Linda Nathan is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our Booklets are designed…

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A Word From the Past for Today: “Open Letter To Evangelical and Protestant Pastors – Now is the Day to Turn Back to God’s Word”

LTRP Note: Ten years ago, author and evangelist Roger Oakland wrote an open letter to evangelical pastors beseeching them to turn away from false teachings, complacency, and ecumenicalism and stand true to God’s Word in these last days. Although Roger…

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