LTRP Note: On October 20th, Lighthouse Trails posted the following article: “Mark Driscoll Resigns From Mars Hill Church For Social Failures – But Media Silent on Controversial Doctrinal Issues.” Below is a related news article by Associated Press. No doubt, there is a story behind the story on this one. Time will reveal more.
2nd LTRP Note-11/3: Shortly after our posting the article below on 11/2, a reader on our Facebook page posted a link to an article written by a former Mars Hill Church deacon (our providing this link is not an endorsement of the media source from which it came) responding to an incident where shortly after Driscoll’s resignation a couple weeks ago, Driscoll showed up and spoke at the Gateway Conference where he made a theatrical and emotional attempt for sympathy (which worked for the thousands in attended who gave him a standing ovation), and now over 100,000 people have watched this performance on YouTube. At the risk of increasing that number even more, we are providing a link to that here for our readers.
SEATTLE (AP) — Two weeks after lead Mars Hill Church pastor Mark Driscoll resigned amid questions about his leadership, the Seattle megachurch he founded announced Friday it was dissolving its network of branches across four states. . . . The church currently has multiple branches in Washington, and one location each in Oregon, California and New Mexico. Last month, it closed its Phoenix location as a Mars Hill church. Click here to continue reading.