About Lighthouse Trails


Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Inc. and Lighthouse Trails Research Project began in 2002. There are currently several authors, editors, news writers, web and computer technicians who work with Lighthouse Trails throughout North America plus a small on-site staff in NW Montana where the offices of Lighthouse Trails are located. We are not a non-profit 501 (c)3 government organization. However, we give away thousands of books, booklets, DVDs, articles, and other materials, which makes us a very unique publishing company.

In the spring of 2012, Lighthouse Trails celebrated its 10th year anniversary. In recognition of that, we wrote three articles that describe our early years and some of the experiences we had during that time. You may wish to read them to better understand who we are:

How Lighthouse Trails Began – Part One: “It was a dark and stormy night.”

Lighthouse Trails, the Early Years – Part 2 – “A Hot Topic” That Just Wouldn’t Go Away

Rick Warren Biographer, George Mair, Passes Away at 83 – The Rest of the Story


“Bringing light to areas of darkness” and “A light shining in the darkness”


That is really very simple: The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because we believe that this Gospel – that Jesus died on the Cross to pay the penalty for man’s sins and that He arose on the 3rd day and has offered salvation freely to whosoever will come to Him – is the only means of eternal salvation for any person, our motive is to contend for that faith so that others may hear that Gospel and believe on it.


We have written a lengthy docrinal statement. You can read that by clicking here. The statement does not list everything we believe. In a nut shell, we believe the Bible is the inerrant, God-inspired, true and holy Word of God.

Note: Lighthouse Trails is a Christian publishing company. While we hope you will read the books we have published, we provide extensive research, documentation and news on our Research site, blog and newsletter at no cost with the hope they are a blessing to the body of Christ and a witness to those who have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior and Lord.


March 2002 – We officially began Lighthouse Trails Publishing Company.

September 2002 – Published first book, A Time of Departing by Ray Yungen, 1st edition.

2004 – Began Lighthouse Trails Research Project, the From the Lighthouse blog, and this e-newsletter as extensions of Lighthouse Trails Publishing and a way to get free information out to those who were reading our books.

2005 – Published Trapped in Hitler’s Hell by Anita Dittman with Jan Markell, the first book in our Remembering the Holocaust category. Later we published a book by Corrie ten Boom and Diet Eman, giving Lighthouse Trails 3 Holocaust survivor authors.

2007 – Published Faith Undone, a powerful expose of the emerging church by Roger Oakland.

2010 – Relocated to Montana from Oregon; also began The Shepherd’s Garden, a “tent-making” effort to help support Lighthouse Trails – created our own Shepherd’s organic Bible verse tea.

2011 – Began supporting Understand the Times mission work, the Bryce Homes for Widows and Children in Kenya – currently, Lighthouse Trails readers are helping to support over three dozen Bryce Homes.

2012 – Celebrated 10th year anniversary at Lighthouse Trails; also started the Widows in Kenya basket project as a way to help widows support themselves. Began outreach to Native Americans and First Nations people through Muddy Waters and other Native Spirituality books and DVDs.

2013 – Began Lighthouse Trails Research Journal, a subscription-based journal mailed to homes and offices; also began the Topical Booklets.

2015 – Moved onto property in Montana having built a 2800sf office and warehouse for Lighthouse Trails. In October 2015, Lighthouse Trails released its 70th Booklet.

2016—In September 2016, we released our 100th Booklet; also in 2016, sadly, LT authors Ray Yungen and Caryl Matrisciana passed away.

2017—Lighthouse Trails Publishing changed from an LLC to a corporation in the State of Montana (now under the legal name, Lighthouse Trails Publishing, Inc.)

LTRP Note: Because Lighthouse Trails is a research project, we post news stories from several different sources in addition to articles from our trusted authors and ministries. These out-of-house news stories are for informational and research purposes and not necessarily as an endorsement for the source itself. As with everything that is read, whether on the Internet, in newspapers, or in books, Christian believers must always use biblical and godly discernment.


DONATING TO LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS: We are not a non-profit 501 (c) (3) organization. While we accept donations and are grateful for them, they are not tax deductible. We encourage you to consider ordering books and DVDs we publish – this is a great way to support us and at the same time help contend for the faith. We believe you will find each of our books and booklets to be well-written, properly documented, and essential for the times in which we live. If you would like to donate to Lighthouse Trails, you may send a donation by clicking the link below or by mailing it to: Lighthouse Trails Research Project, P.O. Box 908, Eureka, MT 59917. Or you may call 406/889-3610 or 866/876-3910 (US & Canada).


You may also give donations through our online store using a credit card. (Click here.)

Thank you for your support.