1. Lids

    I’ve never understood why Christians think we won’t be here for the trib period when the Bible points to us being here. Verses telling us we will be giving our testimonies and that the rapture doesn’t happen until the apostasy AND the man of lawlessness are revealed don’t point to a pre trib rapture.
    Many people just want to escape the time and ignore those verses for myths which they like better than you might be martyred. It’s those that some think will fall away from the faith when they find themselves without oil for their lamps because they didn’t think they would be here.
    I rather think it’s important to know the truth, after all God wrote it down for us so we would know the truth and not be deceived.

  2. Frank Schlernitzauer

    In Hebrews 11:35 a better resurrection is spoken of and in verses 39-40 we learn OT saints are to be raised with NT saints as one body. To get the timing we must dig deeper, search matter out. In 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 we learn when this takes place the dead rise first, so this is not a “rapture” event but thee resurrection event, and we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the air to meet the Lord, so this could not possibly be a pre trib rapture as we know the saints are here during GT, as Rev 13:7 tells us he makes war against the saints and prevails.
    Thee GT is over when 6th seal is opened in Rev 6:12-14, note what takes place at opening of 6th seal is same unfolding as Mark 13:24-27, Matthew 24:29-31 (both of which say after GT), and Luke 21:25-28.
    After 6th seal is opened comes the wrath of the Lamb spoken of Rev 6:15-17, but does not begin until the 7th seal is opened in Rev 8:1, but between 6th and 7th seal opening Rev 7 takes place in which the 12 tribes of Israel are sealed from the hurt to come verses 1-8, and what takes place in heaven around the throne verses 9-14 tribulation saints are identified around throne, so resurrection has to be “immediately after tribulation of those days”.
    Oh and the last trump in which we are all called up to Him in the clouds is His voice, Paul makes this clear to us in Revelation 1:10
    King James Version
    10 I was in the Spirit on the Lord’s day, and heard behind me a great voice, as of a trumpet,

  3. Owen

    Thank you for presenting both perspectives—a practice many churches unfortunately overlook. This omission, in my view, represents a missed opportunity to truly shepherd the flock with balanced teaching.

    There are several passages that led me to question the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, which I embraced for many years. However, two verses stand out as particularly compelling.

    Since we, as believers, are instructed to compare scripture with scripture, consider the striking parallel in the language of 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 and Revelation 10:7:

    “Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.”


    “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.”

    These verses seem to echo each other in their reference to a mystery and a trumpet—both culminating in a final, transformative event. It raises the question: Could “the last trump” in Corinthians align with the seventh trumpet in Revelation? It’s a thought worth exploring through prayerful study.

  4. Deb

    I am so glad that Stephan wrote his comment…I totally agree! I was going to write something very similar. The church has been persecuted since its birth. The Tribulation is a time of Gods Judgement and Wrath; it is not purifying, as some of the visible church believe the church goes straight through it. All who belong to our Lord Jesus Christ will be taken off of the planet to meet Jesus face to face in His appearing in the clouds, and when we see Him, we will be like Him and receive our eternal bodies And our Redemption will be complete! I look for and long for His soon Appearing. Jesus used both Noah and Lot as an example of the End times…both of those righteous people were Removed Before God’s Judgement and Wrath fell! Don’t let anyone steal your crown of righteousness in longing for and looking for His Glorious Appearing! He is coming Soon!

  5. helen gray-schiera

    Thank you, lighthouse trails, for Tony’s article ‘Rapture or Tribulation, are we prepared’. It was written with love and sensitivity for believers of both persuasions.
    However, every time I hear believers say Pre trib believing saints have an escapist type of mentality or un preparing themselves for the horrors of the tribulation period, I just wonder what their denying of self, taking up their cross and following Christ looks like for them, in today’s world.
    At 71 and 37 years after my wonderful rebirth I can say my life has been one long journey of God’s justifiable purging and chastisements (ever cleaning out the unsightly dross), fiery trials that only Jesus could hold me together through while walking totally alone with Him, in many trials and many loses for Christ’s sake, which I am learning is only ‘counted as dung’.
    I know Jesus is preparing me for even greater trials, that without His wonderful preparedness I would not be able to endure but I’m learning only to trust Him and lean heavily on Him.
    I believe before the pre trib rapture the saints are and will, with greater intensity, be like the faithful suffers in Hebrew 10;34-38. Jews and Christians are a hated species here and now and it will only get worse because we today, live in a world where there is a great ‘famine of the Truth’.
    ( 2 Thes 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away FIRST, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition) The great apostasy must start well before the rapture of His Church and the tribulation period and only be absolute after the church is taken out of the way and the son of perdition is revealed.
    Isaiah 5:20 is the order of the day therefore persecution, unimaginable sufferings and deaths are here and intensifying, this is what we must be preparing for in the Lord not the trib period which Jesus has prepared before the world began by ORDAINING in the future THE CHOSEN 144, OO0 JEWISH, VIRGIN SAINTS for witnessing and leading all nations, Jews and Gentiles, who have not heard the gospel, but have eyes and ears to hear, to saving grace through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    I stand on His promises ‘ 1 Thes. 1:10 ‘And to wait for His Son from heaven whom He raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come,’ for if I don’t die first, all that will be raptured of me will be worn out tortured bones and wrinkled flesh, no way fit to face more horrors of the tribulation period too.
    I pray for the Body of CHRIST to keep close and personal with our Saviour for we need his help, strength and enabling right now so we don’t let Him down by fainting and caving in but strive to bring glory to His Holy Name by standing firm and being unshakable, uncompromised Bible believing and practicing witnesses!
    We are the light of this fallen world let us shine brightly for our dear Saviour’s sake.

  6. Norma Brooks

    One other thing I forgot to mention in my comment. You mentioned Corrie Ten Boom’s book, “The Hiding Place”. I never watched the movie, but I read the book when it first came out. I actually remember a time when Corrie would visit different churches, speaking.

    The passage where Corrie was asking her dad why he waited until right before she boarded the train, to give her the ticket, was a special passage that I’ve thought about over the years, at different difficult times in my life. It always reminds me that God will give us what we need, exactly, when we need it.

  7. Stephan

    How would a person prepare for a time that will be so horrific? 1 trumpet – 1/3 of the land gets destroyed. The western world makes up exactly 1/3 of the land on planet earth. Canada, America, Mexico. 2 trumpet -1/3 of the sea gets destroyed. The pacific and Atlantic oceans can not cross each other. They have difference weights and boundaries. You can actually see the line of separation. Again, this Judgement will be on the western world also. Trumpet 3 – All the rivers and springs are poisoned. Again this is on the Western world. Trumpet 4 – 1/3 sun, moon, stars are darkened. Now factor in Murder, rape, theft, and the most heinous crimes imaginable along with diseases. How can anyone prepare for this? Here’s a better question, why would anyone try or want to preserve their life through this? Do you really want to live here any longer with these people? If your born again and doing what Jesus says, you will not be here for any of it. Rev 3:10. The whole church age is also called tribulation and the age of grace… Jesus was clear on this as were the apostles. There is no such thing as a 7 year tribulation. However, there is a 7 year time span called, THE TIME OF JACOBS TROUBLE. Jacob is Israel. The Elect in Matthew 24 are the 144,000 Jews in Revelation 7. Don’t let all the false teachers on YouTube and other social media sites deceive you. Stick to His Word… Remember Jesus said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my Word shall never pass.. He gave us a promise in Rev 3:10. By the way, The letters to the Churches are the only time Jesus addressed the church. For the Church was not born until Pentecost. Matthew 24 is to Israel not us… That is where so many get confused. 1 final thing. In closing the book of Revelation John gives a warning. Anyone who adds to or takes away from this prophecy, all these plagues will be added unto them. Think about that. The people who say the church will go through the time of Jacob’s trouble are calling Jesus a liar and taking away from His own promise and prophetic word… Now why would John say that if we all have to go through it anyway? Sorry to write so much here but I think this is necessary for so many… Satan always wants to instill fear in us through doubt to steal our Joy. Have peace and Know you are safe, loved and His eyes are on you right now.

  8. Yes, we know he said that, and we believe he should not have said it. Better to build up the saints and encourage them to stand against the wiles of the devil. It is somewhat easy to see why a Calvinist would say something like that. Sad.

  9. Lynn Lusby Pratt

    I encourage believing friends not to focus on nailing down “end times” details. (For instance, every generation spends time trying to identify “the mark of the beast.”) When we’re distracted with such, we not only fan the flame of fear; we take time from actually doing our job. Of course we’re to be on alert against the enemy’s schemes. But we (especially longtime Christians) need, first, to be confident that the Word is true. (That is, we need to be able to make a case to answer skeptical friends.) Then if we just stay in the Word and focus on living like Joseph, Nehemiah, Josiah, Daniel, Paul . . . we’ll be the confident examples that others will take note of and listen to.

  10. Sue

    Hi awesome article. Question John MacArthur has stated in utube that a Christian in the last days can take the mark, but not to worship the beast may still go to heaven? Do you know anything about this? Regards sue

  11. GJ

    Trusting in the Lord… at all times… the discussion is always needed to encourage.

    I recently wrote in context of deception and what’s going on today.

    From… https://hopeishereblog.wordpress.com/fear-and-doubt/

    Fear that produces doubt—one begets Eternal Life… the other seals the fate of eternal perdition. Which will you choose?…

    God offers and blesses… man doesn’t automatically respond to His Will. Those that choose to accept are… the called. Those that remain faithful to the calling are… the chosen.

    When God’s provisions for living are repudiated, they’re divorced… and one dies. When Israel rejected God, He used… divorce… to describe the state of their relationship with Him. The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob—the God of Israel—is for life leading to Life… not death leading to Death…

    If we don’t fear the Lord… we’ll fall for [bow to] anything.

    …In the last few years, what have many people been willing to cede subservience of their mind, will, and emotions (their soul) to? Have they gone down to “Egypt” yielding to man’s mandates to fragment and destroy the image of God they’re created in? Could this be the “practice runs” for the actual mark-of-the-beast given during the Great Tribulation… that once received, can’t be repented of—the ability to choose, free-will, is taken away… forever?

  12. Duncan

    The Scriptures do inform believers to be discerning, sober-minded, alert/watchful, i.e., spiritually ready for any possibility, which seems to be the tenor of Mr. Pearce’s insightful article. Perhaps I am incorrect, but I don’t see any instructions in the Bible to be a prepper ( in spite of some peoples’ interpretation of Joseph’s experiences in Genesis). However, one can see how God provided for Israel in the wilderness, Elijah, etc., ad infinitum. One thing seems sure, the birth pains are dramatically escalating and I am eagerly waiting for the Saviour of the world as per Philippians 3:20-21.

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