The following slideshow portrays some of the struggles as well as some of the blessings that happen to our Bryce Home women and children in Kenya. Life is not easy there, with sickness, disease, poverty, low employment opportunities, drought, and flooding. But we are very blessed to be working with a group of people there (the pastors, their wives, the congregations, and the widows) who really love the Lord and His Word and who praise God even in the midst of such hardship. We hope you will consider joining us (and Understand the Times) in our efforts to come alongside these brothers and sisters and children in Kenya. You can read more about the project at Understand the Times website. You can also make donations through the UTT website. Donations given through UTT are tax-deductible. All donations go fully to the work in Kenya. If you have questions about this work, please feel free to call us at 406-889-3610.
We are happy to report that Pastor Achilla has found a new source for new Bibles, in both Luo and English. A box will be arriving this week, 12 of which will go to the teen girls at Bryce Home #12. They are very excited that they will each their own Bible. We’ll post pictures next week. If you would like to donate specifically for new Bibles, visit our donation page at:
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