LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. It is from the Christian publication, Israel My Glory. The publishers, The Friends of Israel, just released a special edition on antisemitism: “A Biblical Look at Antisemitism. Below is one of the articles in that edition. You may read the entire edition by clicking here.
“If you’re not an active Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram user, you might think these trends don’t affect you. But even if you don’t get your news from social media, many people you know do.” – Chris Katulka
By Chris Katulka
Israel My Glory
Twitter and Instagram recently locked rapper Kanye West out of his accounts after he posted, “I’m a bit sleepy tonight but when I wake up I’m going full death [sic] con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE.”
West is a social media influencer with more than 49 million followers between the two social media platforms. What he says, sells, and shares reaches a global audience in seconds. His antisemitic post followed an interview with Fox News’s Tucker Carlson in which the rapper claimed Jared Kushner, former President Donald Trump’s Jewish son-in-law, arranged the peace agreements between Israel and the Arab nations “to make money.”
In a separate interview, West claimed Kushner “is an example of how the Jewish people have their hand on every single business that controls the world.” Besides being untrue, his statement is a textbook antisemitic trope that singles out the entire Jewish race for the world’s problems. His words follow a disturbingly familiar pattern: When there is no one left to blame, you can always point the finger at the Jewish people. Click here to continue reading.
Related Information:
What Lighthouse Trails Believes About Israel and the Jews
Has the Church Replaced Israel? by Mike Oppenheimer
The Spirit Behind Anti-Semitism . . . Israel’s Future by Bill Randles
The movie Moonfall made by a homosexual Jewish filmmaker is all about “ saving the earth” by eliminating an “evil force” inside the moon which is causing the earth to have catastrophic disaster. That evil force is shown as a serpent energy force inside the moon which has the face of the Star of David. The Star of David can only be seen for a split second once or twice in the movie. Nevertheless it’s there! Talk about hatred for the Jews! This is wickedness!! The creator of the the movie is Roland Emmerich. Has anyone seen this movie? The message is destroy the evil serpent force(Star of David) and the earth will be saved. Wow!
Good for you that you took the time to help her see the truth! It takes time and work to do what you did, but it was worth it in the end!
It is sad that Christmases come and go every year and some churches never inform their congregation that Joseph, Mary and Jesus were practicing Jews who were faithful to their Judaic faith, attending Temple and synagogue services. The Bible also states that thousands of Jews believed in Jesus when He was here on earth. It is not true that all Jews rejected Jesus, yet many pastors preach that Jews rejected Jesus. Because we are living in end times there are many Messianic congregations springing up in Israel and in the U.S. Let us pray that hardened hearts among Jewish populations will be softened towards their own Messiah. Synagogues throughout the centuries have been purposely omitting Messianic passages from the Torah readings because they sound too much like Jesus. Isaiah 53 and many other passages are not read in the synagogues. If only Jews could read their own Torah at home, all of it, or better still, the whole Bible, Old and New Testaments!
Antisemitism is everywhere even on ‘Conservative’ media. I check Zero Hedge (just to mention one) now and then and check the comments and most are antisemitic. There are plenty of pastors too that are pushing antisemitism. When I see it, and can I refute it using scripture I DO. One lady who owns a nursery who is not a citizen of the US but from Canada has been in the US for many years. She is a church goer. I met her at the tire store and when she saw my Star of David necklace, she was angry. She said I am not very happy with them! I went home and wrote about a 3-page letter showing what God thinks of Israel and how God gave the land of Israel TO THE JEWS FOREVER. I drove by the nursery a few months later and on her sign, it said Shalom. Though I never heard from her again, I think she got the message.