Steppingstones to World Power

LTRP Note: The following commentary by Tony Pearce starts by addressing current crises in the UK, but the issues and the outcomes taking place there are happening in both Canada and the United States as well.

Crises like the dire financial situation of developing countries and the fate of the Sustainable Development Goals. And crises like the lack of guardrails around promising new technologies to heal disease, connect people and expand opportunity.—UN Secretary General António Guterres – September 20, 2022

“Steppingstones to World Power”

By Tony Pearce
Director of Light for the Last Days (UK)

Are we really in crisis?

As soon as Tuesday came along, after the funeral [of Queen Elizabeth], normal service was resumed. We had strikes being planned, a racial conflict apparently taking place in Leicester between Muslims and Hindus, news that Eco-Warriors are planning to bring the country to a standstill with a series of protests against the use of fossil fuels, and, of course, the cost of living crisis with the government throwing masses of money at with its mini-budget, pushing up inflation, as the Pound falls and interests interest rates rise.

Apparently, the estimate of what the government is prone to spend on this lies somewhere between 100 and 250 billion Pounds, with people saying it’s actually going to rise to about 500 billion over the next two years.

The question is: where is this money coming from? Because it’s not being raised by taxes so, basically, it’s been borrowed. Basically, it’s being created (quantitative easing) which is NOT a good move, along with tax cuts, which makes it NOT sustainable; especially, as we are already over 2 trillion Pounds in debt. Click here to continue reading.

(photo image from; used with permission)

Tony Pearce

Tony Pearce is the author of four Lighthouse Trails publicationsThe Messiah Factor and three booklets: The Jews: Beloved by God, Hated by Many; Global Warming or Cooling or an End-Time Sign?; and World Government on the Horizon?

1 thought on “Steppingstones to World Power

  1. All created by them: “Crises like the dire financial situation of developing countries and the fate of the Sustainable Development Goals”, “Global greenhouse gas emissions need to be slashed by 45 percent by 2030 to have any hope of reaching net zero emissions by 2050. And yet emissions are going up at record levels – on course to a 14 percent increase this decade. We have a rendezvous with CLIMATE DISASTER (2 Peter 3:10-11) Said, secretary General. “And perhaps, when the crisis gets really bad, people will say, ‘Okay, we will we’ll accept the kinds of restrictions which you’re proposing in order that we might have ‘PEACE AND SAFETY’ (1 Thessalonians 5:3)’. What could be the “Crisis” that gets everyone on board with the man of sin? What Dave Hunt said after millions disappeared. “Where did they go? Who took them”? “Wherefore, comfort one another with these words.” 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Fear not, for fear has torment. Thank you, Jesus, for saving us!

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