1. Elizabeth Bennett

    The city college where I lived in CA had a class that was teaching students how to be gay. They were even asked to role-play in class. This was way back in 1987 in San Bernardino, CA. San Bernardino has always had Dem mayors. Schools are actually teaching young people or older students how to sin. The gender agenda is being forced on us all. It is a war against Satan.

  2. Jeffry

    Satan rules “as the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4::4) It is the only age that is called “evil” (Gal. 1:4) John tells us”… the whole world lieth in wickedness “ (1 John 5:19). Or “ the whole world is lulled to sleep in the arms of the wicked one.) The language implies complacency, not a struggle to escape. We need to walk worthy of the calling wherewith He has called us. To endure hardness as good soldiers of our Lord Jesus Christ. Conflict cannot be avoided if we are faithful to God. We must put on the whole Armor of God to fight in this Spiritual War against Satan!!! Pray Christians Pray.

  3. James

    Jer. 17:9 was spoken long before getting born again became available and is not applicable to New Testament believers walking in the Spirit based on God’s written word.

    Our heart (spirit) and soul is not some mystery we cannot understand where we have no free will to not be able to choose to follow the Lord… unless one is calvinist, and if that’s the case repentance is in order!

  4. Denise

    There is nothing ‘Christian’ about pagan evolutionary idolatrous humanist soul-science…and it’s time that Christians quit fooling themselves & sacrificing themselves & their children to that antichrist system. We aren’t to live like the world, & we’re not to war as the deceitful, bloody world. Unity with her is folly. If folks continue in the idolatrous delusion, they will end in the antichrist reset or new antichrist Catholic fascism for certain sure, & their children will be lost. Enough hand wringing & excuses: it’s time to repent & to come out of her.

  5. Evan vulich

    The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? Jer. 17:9. First part is a propositional statement. Second part; rhetorical. The second part basically says no human being is capable of understanding the human heart except God (no psychiatrist or counsellor) can understand the human heart.)”
    God’s Word: For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Heb. 4:12.

    And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Heb. 9;27. Children need to hear God’s Word and the horror of dying in their sins-NOT the empty words of church counsellors or psychiatrists. God’s Word alone convicts the human heart of its sin against the Lord. Die ONCE and then JUDGMENT! That’s what kids/adults need to hear!

    Bottom line; there are no counsellors or psychiatrists who can fix mankind’s heart problem. God says the human heart is sick and desperately wicked and NO one but He can understand it & fix it. His Word alone, can fix suicidal kids- NOT psychiatrists!
    Why do churches have referral agencies for troubled kids & adults when they have the Word of God that changes and convicts the human heart of its sin against a most Holy God?

  6. Elizabeth Bennett

    The gender change agenda promoted by the Dems and ungodly groups is nothing but child abuse to the max; never in history have these atrocities happened to our most vulnerable in society, where even parents betray their own child. The UK has banned sex change operations for children and America should, too.

  7. Lisa

    Even though the Bible warned us that the world would get worse…I don’t think I ever expected parents to want their children to be exposed to this evil all in the name of tolerance, inclusivity and saving children’s lives now? How satan is able to manipulate to get people to believe that evil is good.

    I confess I can’t even fathom what worse things are coming down the line except for the normalization of pedophilia…because that seems to be what we are working up to with children being able to decide their sex..so they probably know they want to have sex being the next thing. I wonder how many parents will be for that too? It’s sad to watch it all happening.

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