“Supreme Court Ruling Clears Way for Indoor Worship Services in California”

LTRP Note: The following is posted for informational and research purposes. Because Lighthouse Trails is a research ministry, we do post out-of-house news stories by secular sources. As we have always stated, no matter what you read and where you read it, use discernment and weigh everything you read against God’s Word, the Bible.

By Zachary Stieber
The Epoch Times

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled that California officials cannot bar churches from holding indoor services amid the CCP virus pandemic.

The nation’s top court issued orders in two cases, siding with churches that had protested the state banning indoor services. But the court did not agree to strike down prohibitions on singing and chanting during indoor services, and will not block California from imposing 25 percent capacity restrictions in areas deemed Tier 1 on a scale of CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus transmission. Click here to continue reading.

(photo from bigstockphoto.com; used with permission)

2 thoughts on ““Supreme Court Ruling Clears Way for Indoor Worship Services in California”

  1. If people are 6 feet apart to worship why did the Supreme Court stop singing and chanting? This makes no sense. At the super bowl most of the people had no masks on and were hugging each other all night. Does this sound like disturbing discrimination to you? It does to me!!!

  2. Churches in CA have been persecuted for almost a year now. Some are still meeting outside. Our church meets inside but with restrictions and we do sing, so I guess we are breaking the law. We are thankful that we have a kind Sheriff in our county who will not arrest us for singing in church. Gavin N. may be recalled soon; we almost have enough signatures.

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