Mega-church pastor T. D. Jakes, evangelical defector Rob Bell, and emergent church pastor Steve Furtick were among the list of mostly New Age names given on Oprah’s Super Soul 100 list of “awakened leaders.” As Lighthouse Trails has documented for many years, Oprah Winfrey is the most influential New Age leader today and has given a platform and a voice to countless New Age teachers including Marianne Williamson and her Return to Love book (expounding on A Course of Miracles).

Along with T.D. Jakes, Steve Furtick, and Rob Bell are some other names you might recognize. Remember, week after week, millions of North Americans still follow Oprah. Even many Christians read the materials of these listed below and find themselves enamored with the people and the teachings of the New Age.
Deepak Chopra
Caroline Myss
Dr. Christiane Northrup
Dr. Michael Beckwith (from The Secret)
Eckhart Tolle
Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love)
Gary Zukav
Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
Pastor John Gray (from Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church)
Marianne Williamson (A Course in Miracles teacher)
Tony Robbins
The very fact that these so-called preachers who supposedly are to know better, keep regularly appearing on her network show is proof fact that they have not rebuked or corrected her for spreading her unscriptural lies that Jesus Christ is not the only way to God! In cluded in this line-up is Mr ‘Colgate smile’ Osteen, who like Jakes, Bell, Furtick, and even the Catholic plant Roma Downey and her husband, are all in cahoots with Winfrey. That is enough proof that these so-called celebrity preachers are nothing but heretics!