Tag: A Time of Departing

Visio Divina: A Mystical Practice by Any Other Name Is Still a Mystical Practice

LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor is asking about a practice called visio divina. Below her letter are our comments, and below that is our article/booklet on Lectio Divina. Dear Lighthouse Trails: I’m attending a Bible study at…

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Letter to the Editor: Our Sad Departure From the Church of the Nazarene Over Unbiblical Teachings

LTRP Note: For over a decade, Lighthouse Trails has been issuing warnings regarding the Church of the Nazarene’s embracing of contemplative and emergent teachings (i.e., Spiritual Formation). We have focused largely on the numerous Nazarene universities that have been training…

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IHOP-KC’s Mike Bickle: “There’s no biblical definition for contemplative prayer”

By John LanaganThe Word Like Fire “It has been with great dismay that I have watched one Christian leader after another succumb to the appeal of contemplative spirituality,” states Ray Yungen in A Time of Departing. (pg.184) Some, like IHOP…

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Letter to the Editor: My Christian University Professor Graded Harshly for Mentioning Lighthouse Trails

LTRP Note: The following letter to the editor is posted with permission. It is written by a graduate student of a Christian university. We find the professor’s remarks to this student provocative, especially considering what we discovered after reading the…

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Popular Christian Magazine – RELEVANT – Tells Millennials to Practice Breath Prayers and Mindfulness Meditation

A summer 2018 Relevant Magazine article titled “Why Learning to Breathe May Be the Best Way to Pray,”  tells readers that, Breath prayer [are] an ancient Christian prayer practice with origins in the lives of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, is…

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Why Richard Foster’s “School of Contemplative Prayer” Should Be Avoided

LTRP Note: For sixteen years, Lighthouse Trails has been warning about the contemplative prayer movement. In the following article, Ray Yungen has provided  information that makes the contemplative argument (against it) irrefutable. We have sent a copy of this booklet…

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YWAM—Wants Every YWAMer to Practice Contemplative Prayer!

YWAM (Youth With a Mission), an evangelical missions organization (founded in 1960  by Loren Cunningham) that trains about 25,000 people every year for world-wide mission trips, has issued an announcement regarding its commitment to teaching contemplative prayer. On Saturday, a…

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Christian University Graduate Agrees—Celebration of Discipline/Richard Foster Bypass the Cross—As CoD Soon Celebrates 40-Year Anniversary!

Just as Lighthouse Trails was about to issue a post this week about Celebration of Discipline’s (by Richard Foster) 40-year anniversary announcement (that we received by e-mail this month), we received the following e-mail from a Christian university graduate: Three…

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NEW BOOKLET: Sound the Trumpet in the Midst of Apostasy: The Enemy is in the Camp

NEW BOOKLET: Sound the Trumpet in the Midst of Apostasy: The Enemy is in the Camp by David Dombrowski is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 10 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts…

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Sound the Trumpet in the Midst of Apostasy – The Enemy is in the Camp

By David Dombrowski Lighthouse Trails Editor Over the past decade and a half, we have watched with a mixture of surprise and sadness at how an apostate church has materialized before our eyes. It all began for us here at…

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What Your Church Needs to Know Before Doing a Priscilla Shirer Study

The repetition [of a word or phrase] can in fact be soothing and very freeing, helping us, as Nouwen says, “to empty out our crowded interior life and create the quiet space where we can dwell with God.”—Jan Johnson, When…

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Christianity is Missing Out on Something Vital – Is This True?

By Ray Yungen Contemplative advocates propose that there has been something vital and important missing from the church for centuries. The insinuation is that Christians have been lacking something necessary for their spiritual vitality; but that would mean the Holy…

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