Tag: Anita Dittman
By Anita Dittman (Jewish Holocaust Survivor)Author of Trapped in Hitler’s Hell We prayed that God would miraculously sustain our strength; each day our food rations diminished so the German soldiers on the battlefronts could receive more food. Shortly after all of us…
The following is from Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman’s book Trapped in Hitler’s Hell. Anita was a young Christian Jew in Germany when World War II began. It was her faith in Christ, and the Lord’s mercy, that sustained her during the…
On October 13th, Lighthouse Trails author (and friend) and Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman passed into glory. She was 93 years old. Anita was twelve years old in 1939, living in Germany with her sister and Jewish mother. Her Aryan father…
We had hoped and prayed that the war would end without an invasion of Bautzen, for we continued to be afraid of the Russians, not knowing how they would treat us. Would they pillage, burn, and rape, or would they liberate and restore? We had been fed horrible propaganda about the Reds. According to Hitler, they were as despicable as the Jews.
LTRP Note: In September of this year, a book publisher in Germany (under contract with Lighthouse Trails Publishing) released a German translation of Trapped in Hitler’s Hell by Anita Dittman and Jan Markell. Anita, 91, grew up in Germany and…
The following is from Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman’s book Trapped in Hitler’s Hell. Anita was a young Christian Jew in Germany when World War II began. It was her faith in Christ, and the Lord’s mercy, that sustained her during…
LTRJ Note: During this week, Holocaust Remembrance week, we sadly learned about a study conducted showing that Americans are increasingly becoming more and more ignorant of the reality of the Holocaust, especially among the younger generations. As the article below…
By Anita Dittman (Holocaust Survivor) December 25th in a German Labor Camp during WWII: We prayed that God would miraculously sustain our strength; each day our food rations diminished so the German soldiers on the battlefronts could receive more food….
When Hitler Was in Power – Memories of a Jewish Girl by Anita Dittman (From the booklet with the same name) 1939 Breslau, Germany I was twelve years old and entering early teen years living in Nazi Germany. Often as…
Lighthouse Trails authors Anita Dittman and Diet Eman both survived the Holocaust, and both women are still alive. In fact, Anita is about to turn 88, and Diet just turned 95! We are thankful to the Lord that He has…
By Lee Hohmann WND News < img src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-d9XxhfbZ3mYSM.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/>< /div> Anita Dittman has been speaking about the Holocaust for more than three decades, telling everyone who will listen of her survival and how Jesus Christ helped her…
The following is from Holocaust survivor Anita Dittman’s book Trapped in Hitler’s Hell. Anita was a young Christian Jew in Germany when World War II began. It was her faith in Christ, and the Lord’s mercy, that sustained her during…