Tag: awanas

Letter to the Editor: AWANA Now Teaching Children to Hear the Voice of God

LTRP Note: Today, the church is “reaping the fruit” of nearly 40 years of Spiritual Formation influence (since Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline was released in 1978). Lighthouse Trails has warned its readers on a number of occasions about the direction…

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A History of AWANA’s Contemplative Track Record and the Implications of Their New CEO

For over a decade  now, Lighthouse Trails editors have been concerned about the direction that the AWANA children’s club is heading. Today, in this report, we want to first give an overview of our past decade of reporting on AWANA,…

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Letter to the Editor: Concerns By Awana Leader About Awana Linking Hands with the Emerging Church

LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails has had concerns about the direction Awana may be heading for a number of years. This letter (of which we substantiated the contents -see added links) below gives further reason to continue those concerns. Below this…

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The Dangers of Spiritual Formation?—And Some Ways it is Influencing Your Children

By Berit Kjos (author of How to Protect Your Child From the New Age and Spiritual Deception) The Spiritual Formation movement is widely promoted at colleges and seminaries as the latest and the greatest way to become a spiritual leader….

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Revisting Awana’s Move Toward Contemplative – And Another Look at “Perspectives on Children’s Spiritual Formation

Update April 2012: Because Awana’s book, Perspectives on Children’s Spiritual Formation is circulating the market, and because we hear from Lighthouse Trails readers who ask about Awana and their promotion of Spiritual Formation (i.e., contemplative), we are reposting this information…

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Like We Said, Brian McLaren Wants the Minds of Your Children and Grandchildren

Three years ago, we wrote an article titled Brian McLaren’s Hope for the Future – The Minds of Your Grandchildren.   In that article, we stated: [I]n [Brian] McLaren’s book [Finding Our Way Again: The Return of the Ancient Practices] . ….

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Summer is Coming: Use Caution When Choosing Kids Camp or Vacation Bible School

If you are planning on sending your child(ren) to kid’s summer camp or Vacation Bible School this summer, please use caution and discernment. Find out if the program you are looking at is going to be including a spiritual formation…

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Contemplative Sightings, and Why We Should Be Concerned

For seven years, Lighthouse Trails has been writing about and reporting on contemplative spirituality and how it has entered the Christian church. When we first began, with the publication of A Time of Departing, and then with ongoing research, we…

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Awana Revisited: Is it or is it not promoting contemplative spirituality?

Nearly two years ago, Lighthouse Trails issued its first report that the Christian children’s club, Awana, may be heading toward contemplative. Since then, further evidence has come to the surface, and yet Awana leaders continue to deny that this is…

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Comments on the AWANA Summit Conference

LTRP Note: Because Awanas now promotes contemplative spirituality, we are providing the comments below, which are from “Just the Book” wesite regarding the recent Awana Summit conference. If your children are involved with Awanas, we hope you will encourage the…

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Message Bible for Little Kids Instructs on Contemplative Meditation

  This past spring NavPress released My First Message by Eugene Peterson. The book is meant to be a child’s first Bible. A product description of the book suggests that the contemplative practice called lectio divina is being utilized: It…

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Special Alert: Awana Embraces Contemplative Spirituality!

In February of 2006, Lighthouse Trails issued a report titled “Awana: Are They Heading Toward Contemplative/Emergent?” The concerns were over the organization’s connection with Willow Creek, with Awana’s interest in Spiritual Formation and with a recommended ministry list that included…

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