Tag: Bible Study Fellowship
See also Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 of our 2018 Year in Review. The following are the 10 top stories for 2018 written by the editors at Lighthouse Trails. Listed in order of date posted. 1….
LTRP Note: For several years now, Lighthouse Trails has received letters from many women who have been involved with BSF (Bible Study Fellowship). Each one expressed a concern that the organization once taught God’s Word but over the last decade…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I had a conversation with your office the week of January 15, 2015 voicing my concerns and experiences with BSF [Bible Study Fellowship]. I have been a faithful attendee for six years. I have had some concerns about…
This past week, a caller told us that she was shocked when she learned that a large number of women at a BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) meeting admitted they did Yoga. A number of years ago, after finishing as a guest…
The following comments were received after our recent article, Is BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) Heading in the Contemplative Direction?. We have used substitute names for these women (all who have been personally involved with BSF), so as to protect their privacy,…