Tag: bible

Native American Men Who Longed For “the Book” and Were Denied

LTRP Note: The following is a story from the book Stories From Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires. The book was written by Egerton Ryerson Young, a young Canadian missionary in the late 1800s, who, with his wife and small children, spent years with the Native people…

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The Message “Bible” Removes Salvation from Romans 10:13

LTRP Note: The Message “Bible” written by the late Eugene Peterson is widely quoted by pastors and other Christian leaders. For many years, Lighthouse Trails has tried to show that this paraphrase of God’s Word should not be used (as…

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Jesus Calling Devotional Bible—Putting Words in Jesus’ Mouth—And in the Bible

By Warren B. Smith One of the many spin-off products from Sarah Young’s best-selling book, Jesus Calling, is the Jesus Calling Devotional Bible. It is a New King James Bible filled with “messages” Young claims to have “received” from Jesus…

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Signs of the Times: “Activists Confess ‘Bible Ban’ Does Target ‘Faith Community'”

By Bob Unruh WorldNetDaily In what could be a huge embarrassment for the online “fact-checker” Snopes, both a lawmaker and an LGBT activist have admitted a California state bill targets “pastors” and members of the “faith community” who insist a…

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Letter to the Editor: What is LT’s Take on “The Voice” “Bible”?

To Lighthouse Trails: What is “The Voice” translation of the Bible and what do you think of it? Our Comments: Our answer (from a 2007 LT article): According to an article in Christian Today, “New Bible Project for Young Generation…

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University of Wisconsin Removes Gideon Bibles From Guest Rooms Following Atheist Complaint

By Heather Clark Christian News Network MADISON, Wis. – The University of Wisconsin-Extension has removed all of the Gideon Bibles from its conference center guest rooms at the urging of an atheist activist organization. The Madison, Wisconsin-based Freedom From Religion…

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New ‘Noah’ Film Starring Russell Crowe Flooded With Controversy

By Heather Clark Christian News Network A new Hollywood epic on the life of Noah has stirred controversy among Christians, Jews and others who have pre-screened the film, as they state that the movie largely leaves out one important foundation:…

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Food for Thought

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International From time to time a news article catches my attention and provides an excellent analogy for a spiritual lesson. Such was the case when I read the following headline posted by the Associated…

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Letter to the Editor: Lectio Divina in South Africa Among Dutch Reformed – “Is there really a different way of reading the Word?”

LTRP Note: For an understanding of Lectio Divina, please refer to several links below this Letter to the Editor and our  comments. Good day, I live in South Africa and even here the Dutch Reformed church is doing the contemplative route….

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