Tag: Brian McLaren

A Missing (or Ignored) Link: They Like Jesus But Not the Church (or Israel)

In light of the October 7th attack against Israel and the subsequent anti-Israel, antisemitic demonstrations around the world (including within “Christian” circles), it’s important for Bible-believing Christians to understand the role that many popular evangelical figures have played over the…

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Makes No Sense for Contemplatives to Celebrate Easter

The Church’s fixation on the death of Jesus as the universal saving act must end, and the place of the cross must be reimagined in Christian faith. Why? Because of the cult of suffering and the vindictive God behind it.1—Alan…

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NEW BOOKLET: Global Revival or Global Deception: 10 Critical Warnings From the Titanic to the Church

Global Revival or Global Deception: 10 Critical Warnings From the Titanic to the Church by Warren B. Smith is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are…

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“Progressive” Christianity—After Our Children and Grandchildren

By Berit Kjos Today’s “progressive” emerging churches have little love for the old certainties that have grounded genuine Christians in God’s revealed truth for 2000 years. They say those precious guidelines don’t fit the new dialectic and collective ways of…

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A Party Jesus?

By Warren B. Smith Disregarding Danger AFTER the Titanic collided with the iceberg, and with water flooding into the bowels of the vessel, some of the passengers frolicked in an almost party-like atmosphere around the estimated two tons of ice that had…

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Emergent Manifesto of Hope Despair Revisited—How It Has Affected Today’s Church

In 2007, Lighthouse Trails wrote a book review on a book titled Emergent Manifesto of Hope. Today, thirteen years later, we are seeing the “fruit” of the emergent church (that, incidentally, was spawned by leaders like Rick Warren, Bob Buford,…

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Christianity Today: “We are theologically conservative . . . committed to the glory of God.”—CT History Shows Differently

On December 19th, 2019, Christianity Today, the magazine that considers itself the “flagship” magazine for Christianity released an article written by the just-retired editor-in-chief, Mark Galli, titled, “Trump Should Be Removed from Office.” According to CT, the article set off…

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The Significance of Understanding Quantum Spirituality and Leonard Sweet’s “More Magnificent Way” of Seeing Christ

Over the past few decades, a number of New Age sympathizers have had a significant influence in the evangelical church. One of the chief is Methodist author, speaker, and teacher Leonard Sweet. Sweet openly calls the Father of the New Age Movement—the late Jesuit priest Teilhard de Chardin—“twentieth-century Christianity’s major voice.” Sweet also teaches the foundational New Age doctrine that God is “in” everyone and everything—that God is embedded in all creation. Brought forward and popularized by Rick Warren, Leonard Sweet and his New Age sympathies have not been adequately addressed by today’s pastors and church leaders. A look on Sweet’s website shows he has partnered with numerous popular figures such as Brian McLaren, Mark Batterson (Circle Maker), Erwin McManus, Mark Driscoll, Frank Viola, and Karen Swallow Prior (professor at Liberty University). The following booklet by Warren Smith reveals the “New Age Christianity” that Leonard Sweet has helped to bring into the church.

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“Anger, Vitriol and Venom” From the Parliament of the World’s Religions

Carl Teichrib attended the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, Ontario as part of his research ministry. Below are comments Carl made on his Facebook page about his time there. We are reposting them with his permission. The photos…

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“They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years”

In May of 2013, Lighthouse Trails released a report titled, “They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years.” In view of the upcoming elections and some of the…

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“Contextualization” of the Gospel – A Free-Falling Catastrophe

By Roger Oakland You may not have heard the term before, but contextual theology is a prominent message from the emerging church. In his book, Models of Contextual Theology(1992), Stephen B. Bevans defines contextual theology as: . . . a…

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Booklet Highlight: The Dangerous Truth About the Social-Justice “Gospel”

By Mary Danielsen Many Christian believers are expressing concern today, and rightly so, over something called “social justice” or the “social-justice gospel.” Jim Wallis, founder of Sojourners magazine, is one of the top “change agents” in the social-justice movement within…

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