Tag: bruce wilkinson

Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” Versus the Straight Line of Truth

LTRP Note: In 2017, Lighthouse Trails released a booklet titled Circle Making and “Prayer Circles” Versus the Straight Line of Truth because many Christian leaders have been promoting and endorsing a book (and its practice) called The Circle Maker by…

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When Will They Ever Learn?

By Judson Casjens Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?Where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago?Where have all the soldiers gone?Gone to graveyards, everyone.Oh, when will they ever learn?Oh, when will they ever learn? So went…

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“God’s Dream” – From the “Jesus” of Jesus Calling – A Deceptive Scheme

By Warren B. Smith Consistent with many other New Age implications contained in her channeled messages, Sarah Young’s “Jesus” introduces the New Age idea of “God’s Dream” in Jesus Calling when he states: I may infuse within you a dream that…

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Revealing Quotes by Influential Contemplatives

These revealing quotes are from well-known figures who have significantly influenced the religious landscape in today’s culture. Sadly, they have helped to mislead millions with their promotion of contemplative prayer (a mystical, panentheistic-rooted practice). Shalem Prayer Institute “This mystical stream…

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Christian and New Age Leaders Together in Post-911 Book

By Warren Smith The first time I encountered Rick Warren was in the spring of 2002, in a book titled From the Ashes: A Spiritual Response to the Attack on America. The book was a collection of articles written by…

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