Tag: christine caine

“Together 2022” Joins Doctrinally Mixed-Up Nick Hall, Dallas Jenkins, and Francis Chan While “Sacrificing Truth on the Altar of Unity”

[“Together”] organizer Nick Hall [is] bringing together evangelical, emerging, charismatic, and Catholic leaders for the ecumenical purpose of uniting together. . . . there is a definite united-we-stand-regardless-of-our-beliefs scenario. (source) On June 24-25th in Dallas, Texas, Together 2022 will take…

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Letter to the Editor: Southern Baptist Convention Leaders Taking SBC Far From Its Biblical Moorings

Dear Lighthouse Trails: As a Southern Baptist, I am concerned that powerful leaders in the Southern Baptist Convention are taking the denomination far from its biblical moorings. Bureaucracy within the organization is to blame, as are a few mega-church pastors…

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Letter to the Editor: Dallas Theological Seminary’s Women’s Conference Speaker, Christine Caine, Raises Concerns for Reader

Dear Lighthouse Trails Editors: Thank you for the article regarding Dallas Theological Seminary’s movement toward contemplative prayer and the New Spirituality. It was painful to read as I have relied upon their faithfulness to the Word since 1974 when I…

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