Tag: chuck colson

Hundreds of Protestant Scholars and Pastors Sign “Reforming Catholic Confession,” But Can the Church Trust This Document?

Hundreds of Protestant and evangelical scholars, pastors, and theologians have signed a document called “Reforming Catholic Confession”  to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, which will be commemorated on October 31, 2017. According to Dr. Timothy George, dean of…

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“Reformed Church Body Signs Declaration on Justification to ‘Overcome Divisions’ With Catholic Church”

Courtesy and Comments by Roger Oakland Comment from UTT: The move towards an ecumenical unity with Rome by denominations that were once part of the Reformation is now almost been accomplished. For a Protestant leader to say that there is…

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DRESS REHEARSAL FOR A FALSE REVIVAL? – Evangelical, Charismatic, Emerging Leaders, & Pope Francis Unite for “Together 2016” in Washington, DC

According to a news release from PRWire titled “Pope Francis To Address Americans At National Mall Event ’Together 2016’ With Special Video Message,” Pope Francis will be joining (via video) evangelical leaders such as Ravi Zacharias, Luis Palau, Michael W….

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Clearing Up Confusion: Warren B. Smith NOT Sharing Platform with Rick Warren at Restoring All Things Conference

Lighthouse Trails received a call this week by a concerned reader who said he heard on his local Christian radio station that Warren Smith was going to be speaking with Rick Warren at an upcoming conference called Restoring All Things. The…

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The Conversion of Protestants to Catholicism Through the Eucharist

By Roger Oakland More and more Protestants are testifying they are being drawn to the Catholic Church, especially through the Eucharist. Some say they have encountered the presence of Christ in a new and exciting way. One such person is…

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Watergate figure Chuck Colson dies at age 80

From April 21, 2012 By Alia E. Dastagir, USA TODAY Charles “Chuck” Colson, the Watergate figure who became a born-again Christian in prison and worked with inmates, has died, according to a family spokesman. OBIT: Charles Colson dies at age…

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