Tag: compassion international

Letter to the Editor: Concerns About Compassion International Mount

To Lighthouse Trails: I just came across your site in search of some background information concerning the emergent church movement (which I was aware of, but had no idea of it’s size or that it was labeled as such). I…

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Letter to the Editor: What To Do When Christian Charities, Such as Compassion, Turn Contemplative/Emergent

Hi Lighthouse Trails! Thank you so much for your ministry! My family has been learning about apostasy for a little while now, and we stumbled across your website recently. . . We read your article about VOM and Michael Wurmbrand…

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Letter to the Editor: Is Compassion International Going Emergent?

2014 Update: To further illustrate how Compassion International is going down the contemplative/emergent path, in April 2013, there was a lectio divina “webinar” held at Compassion International. To Lighthouse Trails: We have seen references to conferences with Willow Creek that included several Emergent…

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