Tag: contextualization

“Contextualization” of the Gospel – A Free-Falling Catastrophe

By Roger Oakland You may not have heard the term before, but contextual theology is a prominent message from the emerging church. In his book, Models of Contextual Theology(1992), Stephen B. Bevans defines contextual theology as: . . . a…

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“Contextualization” of the Gospel – A Free-Falling Catastrophe

By Roger Oakland You may not have heard the term before, but contextual theology is a prominent message from the emerging church. In his book, Models of Contextual Theology(1992), Stephen B. Bevans defines contextual theology as: …a way of doing…

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Contextual Theology – Falling From Truth Through the Emerging Church

  by Roger Oakland In order for the emerging church to succeed, the Bible has to be looked at through entirely different glasses, and Christianity needs to be open to a new type of faith. Brian McLaren calls this new…

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