Tag: creation
By David Dombrowski Today, I would like us to ask ourselves, as the body of Christ, a question, “Are we being fooled by a fatalistic mentality?” I believe it’s an important question, and depending on the answer, it could affect…
By Roger OaklandFrom the book, Witness to This Generation What is the Gospel? To every Christian believer, the word Gospel means “the Good News.” And this Good News has no denominational, racial, ethnic, or national boundaries. It is a free…
By Nathan Worcester | The Epoch TimesNobel Prize-winning physicist John Clauser is not afraid to go against the flow. . . . The physicist, who also won a third of the Wolf Prize for his quantum mechanics contributions, shared some…
Global Warming or Cooling or an End-Time Sign? by Tony Pearce is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our Booklets are designed to give…
By Roger Oakland Evolution` not only robs God of His glory in creating life, it also destroys God’s purpose of death and God’s plan to overcome it through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, “For the wages of…
Lighthouse Trails Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Witness to This Generation—Creation Evangelism for the Last Days written by Roger Oakland. Description: There has never been a more critical time to sow the truth of the Gospel into our…
By Roger Oakland A belief in Creation is based on God’s revelation to man; evolutionary theory is based on man’s speculation which attempts to explain away God. Just as they believe the universe came into existence with a “Big Bang,”…
By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International At one time in my life, I was a staunch believer in Darwinian evolution. During that period of my life, I just accepted what I was told by scientists without thinking very much…
By Roger Oakland Understand the Times International Is mankind on the verge of an evolutionary leap that will produce a super race? There are some who believe man is in the process of this happening right now. What does the…
By Roger Oakland and Caryl Matrisciana Through evolutionary beliefs, we can see that our culture is slamming the door on God the Creator while at the same time opening the door to the fallen spiritual realm (the demonic realm). As…
By Garrett Haley Christian News Network A prominent Creation science group is pushing back after their website was included on a widely-shared list of allegedly untrustworthy sources and described as “junk science.” After “fake news” became a subject of national…
By Garrett Haley Christian News Network An evolution-propagandizing illustrated children’s book is drawing praise from the secular community and currently ranks as a best seller on Amazon.com. “Annabelle & Aiden: The Story Of Life” is a 26-page children’s book that…