Tag: darwin


By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International At one time in my life, I was a staunch believer in Darwinian evolution. During that period of my life, I just accepted what I was told by scientists without thinking very much…


Are Humans on the Verge of an Evolutionary Leap?

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times International Is mankind on the verge of an evolutionary leap that will produce a super race? There are some who believe man is in the process of this happening right now. What does the…

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Satan’s Most Lethal Weapon and an End to Christianity??

By Caryl Matrisciana and Roger Oakland (authors of The Evolution Conspiracyy – Lighthouse Trails, April 2016, 2nd ed, illustrated) Shattered marriages. Sexual promiscuity. Abortion. Human trafficking. Homosexual marriage. Crime. Terrorism. Youth in rebellion. What is happening to our world? And…

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Lighthouse Trails Has Gone to Press with The Evolution Conspiracy

Twenty five years ago Caryl Matrisciana and Roger Oakland came out with their co-authored book The Evolution Conspiracy. The book was published by Harvest House. While the creation/evolution debate was important back then, it is substantially more vital today. The…

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‘Get ’Em Young’: Evolutionists Praise New Book Teaching Children About Their ‘Grandmother Fish’

By Garrett Haley Christian News Network SEATTLE – An evolution-promoting author has released an illustrated children’s book, titled “Grandmother Fish,” that uses whimsical text and drawings to convince preschoolers that they are the products of evolution and the descendants of…

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NEW BOOKLET: Creation Versus Evolution: Things They Never Told You

Creation Versus Evolution: Things They Never Tell You by Maria Kneas is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet Tract. The Booklet Tract is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off…

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‘A Real Challenge’: Discovery of Enormous Galaxy Ring Contradicts Big Bang Model

By Garrett Haley Christian News Network Astronomers have discovered what appears to be the largest feature in the observable universe, and—according to the Big Bang model—it shouldn’t even exist. A team of Hungarian and U.S. astronomers say they have discovered…

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By Roger Oakland Understand the Times The human brain is an amazing organ that functions like a computer. Information that is gathered from our senses is fed to billions of neurons that record and analyze the data. Conclusions are drawn…


Pat Robertson Blasts Ken Ham’s Young Earth Beliefs: ‘Let’s Not Make a Joke of Ourselves’

 LTRP Note: For those who have not watched Roger Oakland’s Searching for the Truth on Origins DVD lecture series, we highly encourage you to do so. Roger Oakland, a former evolutionist, looks at the evolution/creation and young earth/old earth debate…

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Four Men and Four Books That the Enemy Has Used To Corrupt Christianity

By Sandy Simpson Deception in the Church Four men changed the world into their postmodern, communist, evolutionist, materialist, Narcissistic concept of reality.  There are also four books that have corrupted Christianity worldwide.  The four men who changed the world, not…

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