Tag: deception
< img src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-d9XxhfbZ3mYSM.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/>< /div> Slogging through evangelical blogging By Jim Fletcher WorldNetDaily Writer < img src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-d9XxhfbZ3mYSM.gif" border="0" height="1" width="1" alt="Quantcast"/>< /div> “The Internets” have given everyone a voice today. Obviously, that’s both good and bad. Computer…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I had a conversation with your office the week of January 15, 2015 voicing my concerns and experiences with BSF [Bible Study Fellowship]. I have been a faithful attendee for six years. I have had some concerns about…
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes only and not as an endorsement of the content. This is another example of how Christian leaders and figures are leading the way in bringing the evangelical/Protestant church…
To Lighthouse Trails: I took my concerns to one of my pastors at my church regarding the bible A.D. Series. I was given Philippians 1: 15-18 that as long as the Gis preached or the Bible story being told, the…
A Lighthouse Trails reader who is on David Jeremiah’s mailing list received the following e-mail notice from David Jeremiah. The appearance took place earlier this month. Please read our new Booklet Tract/article by Gregory Reid, “Confused by an Angel: The…
Weekly News brought to you from Roger Oakland and Understand the Times International: Click here.
by Kevin Reeves (author of The Other Side of the River) History is filled with stories of those who have stood for truth, many of whom gave their lives to defend the faith God had put in their hearts. History…
To Lighthouse Trails: Last year I ordered at least 10 copies of “Another Jesus” Calling to give to others who had greatly enjoyed Jesus Calling or to others who have shared my concern about the book. Both of my daughters…
By Ray Yungen One of the main tenets of New Age thought is peace, goodwill, and the unity of all humanity. Remember, the Age of Aquarius is to be the Age of Oneness. In context with this idea, the New…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I have been an enthusiastic reader of your information and newsletter that are sent to me. I have ordered some of your books, and I always look forward to your e-mails. Thank you for your diligent work…
By David Dombrowski Editor at Lighthouse Trails The expression “Where are we going?” is not an uncommon one, but whether it be a child asking a parent or a fellow traveler posing the question, it usually denotes a sense of…
Lighthouse Trails has always made great efforts to speak the truth in love. We attempt to never be vitriolic or judge one’s motives, not even the “worst” of them. We leave that part up to God. We also attempt to make…