Tag: demons

Letter to the Editor: Todd Bentley Is Back to Deceive Unwitting Sheep

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I am writing to  warn of Todd Bentley’s Jan.27, 2021 announcement of his plans for 2021. Bentley went “radio silent” last year, but has reappeared, apparently/supposedly with a “25 year mandate” from God. He is launching via…

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“Roma Downey and Lightworkers Media Options Bestselling Author Debbie Macomber’s ‘Angels Everywhere’ Book Series”

LTRP Note: The following news clip is posted for informational and research purposes and not as an endorsement for either the content or the source. Lighthouse Trails has been issuing warnings about the New Age propensities of Roma Downey for…

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“Shack” Theology: Where Is the Devil?

By Warren B. Smith I wonder you should ask me whether it is essential to keep the patient in ignorance of your own existence. That question, at least for the present phase of the struggle, has been answered for us…

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Understanding Shamanism

LTRP Note: For those who think that shamanism is a far cry from the contemplative mysticism being practiced in the church today and that this warning has nothing to do with Christians, think again. The realms reached are the same,…

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Letter to the Editor: Reiki in Society? Now Shamanism!

Dear Lighthouse Trails: SHAMANISM? A recent Columbus Ohio magazine had a story about a reiki center. Among other “professional therapies” offered at that location was “shamanic services.” Shamanism is defined by Webster’s as: “religion . . . characterized by belief…

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IMPORTANT ALERT: Christian Homeschoolers Targeted by “Christ-Centered Energy Healing” Organization

“Are you looking for reliable, Christ-centered information and healing that is safe, affordable and that really does work? Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired? Are you a healer or are you searching for effective healing that…

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Letter to the Editor: Occultic Minecraft Game Brought My Grandchildren into Danger

To Lighthouse Trails: My grandsons had been playing a game called Minecraft.  It was apparent to me that it was not good and I tried to warn my daughter.  I prayed for God’s protection of my grandsons and also that…

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Letter to the Editor: Guideposts Magazine Managing Editor Tells Readers – “I Start My Day With . . . Centering Prayer.”

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I was given a subscription to Guideposts magazine.  In the February issue, there is an article titled “Summoned” written by Anne Simpkinson – Online Managing Editor.  The first paragraph reads as follows: I start my day with prayer. Centering…

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