Tag: denominations

“Finding the Antidote for Deception”: A Response to the Recent Lighthouse Trails Post on Calvinism

LTRP Note: The following is a response to our recent post, “Calvinism: Changing the Meaning of Words to Promote a Theory.” By L.B.S. (Canada) To me, as a former Catholic, Calvinism is just a “protestant” form of Catholicism.  Catholicism has…

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Letter to the Editor: Our Sad Departure From the Church of the Nazarene Over Unbiblical Teachings

LTRP Note: For over a decade, Lighthouse Trails has been issuing warnings regarding the Church of the Nazarene’s embracing of contemplative and emergent teachings (i.e., Spiritual Formation). We have focused largely on the numerous Nazarene universities that have been training…

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Reuters: “Conservative, Liberal Methodists to Split Over Gay Marriage”

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. By Rich McKayReuters The United Methodist Church plans to split into two later this year, church officials said on Friday, a schism that follows years of contention…

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The Call for Unity at the Price of Truth

Today, church sermons, books, commentaries, and lectures are inundated with the call for unity, and are all pushing for the idea that we must have unity at all costs and do “whatever it takes” to accomplish that goal. Over the…

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Reiki in the Church! – Is Disciples of Christ An Indicator of Things to Come for the Evangelical Church?

The denomination, Disciples of Christ (aka The Christian Church or The Disciples) is a mainstream evangelical group that has ties with the World Council of Churches and is known for its ecumenical efforts. But even though one would expect to…

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Is Your Denomination or Church A Sinking Titanic?

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International The Titanic was one of the greatest ships that has ever sailed the seas. When built it was considered unsinkable. Today, when the name Titanic is mentioned, we think of one thing –…

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Letter to the Editor: Assemblies of God Pastor Disheartened by Direction AOG and Other Denominations Are Going

To Lighthouse Trails: Well, here we go again! I was surprised, though not shocked, to see Dr. Wood, our General Superintendent, endorsing “The Son of God,” in one of the videos you mentioned in your latest e-newsletter.  Dr. Wood is…

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