Tag: dr. amen

Update: Main Calvary Chapel Store Removes Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan After Numerous Complaints

On January 7th, Lighthouse Trails posted a letter to the editor titled: “Main Calvary Chapel Bookstore Just Added Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan Book.” Today, we received e-mails from various Lighthouse Trails readers stating that they were told by the Calvary…

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Letter to the Editor: Main Calvary Chapel Bookstore Just Added Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan Book

To Lighthouse Trails: Well now that Chuck [Smith] has passed away . . . I just noticed that the main Calvary Chapel bookstore has just recently listed Warrens Daniel Plan and Journal for sale.  (Click here.) LTRP note: This is troublesome…

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Rick Warren’s New Book, The Daniel Plan, Receives Media Blitz—But Book Does Double-Speak on Eastern-Style Meditation

On Sunday, December 1st, 32 million homes (and 63 million readers)1 in America received the following issue of Parade newspaper-insert magazine: The subtitle on the cover of this issue of the “most widely read magazine in America”2 reads: Rick Warren—One of America’s…

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Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan Accelerates – Tells Followers to Practice 4-7-8 Hinduistic Meditation

“Many people have unwittingly become New Agers by simply seeking to improve their physical and mental health through meditation.” –  Ray Yungen Two and a half years ago, Lighthouse Trails first reported on Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan health program. That…

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Weekly News in Review with Understand the Times and Update on Rick Warren’s New Book

LTRP Note: Worth noting, Rick Warren is coming out with a new book, The Daniel Plan, on December 3rd. He is co-authoring the book with two of the Daniel Plan New Age advocates, Dr. Daniel Amen and Dr. Mark Hyman…

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NEW BOOKLET: Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan – The New Age/Eastern Meditation Doctors Behind the Saddleback Health

Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan written by Warren B. Smith is our one of our new Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet tract is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off…

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Rick Warren Gives Hearty Endorsements on Covers of Two Books by Meditation-Promoting Authors

Note: As we prepared the news story below about Rick Warren’s recent endorsement of Dr. Daniel Amen’s new book, it came to our attention that Rick Warren has also this year placed his endorsement on the back cover of Dr. Mark Hyman’s…

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A Visit to Rick Warren’s Health Seminar – The Unfolding of a Global New Age Plan

“Saturday Jan. 15th, 2011 will go down in the history books as the day Saddleback Church was sold a bill of goods. The masses had come out in droves for answers to their weight loss difficulties & health problems, but…

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Special Report:Rick Warren’s New Health and Wellness Initiative Could Have Profound Repercussions on Many

Update 1/13/11: After we released this article, we received word from a number of Lighthouse Trails readers regarding Dr. Mehmet Oz’s strong adherence to the late Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) who entertained spirit guides and was deeply involved with mysticism. In one New Age…

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