Tag: driscoll

Mark Driscoll’s Distorted View on Noah and Salvation . . . (And How Some People Have a Very Strange Idea as to the Meaning of God’s Salvation)

LTRP Note: With the release of the Hollywood movie Noah and its blasphemous representation of God’s truth as told in the Bible and an outright attack on Bible-believing Christians, coupled with emerging Christian figures (such as Mark Driscoll who misses…

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Multi-Sensory Worship: Prayer Stations, Icons, Incense, and Candles

by Roger Oakland  Understand the Times (author of Faith Undone: the emerging church—a new reformation or an end-time deception) Stimulating images that provide spiritual experiences are an essential element of the emerging church. While many are bewildered as to why…

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Corban University (formerly Western Baptist College), a Former Non-Contemplative College, Teams Up with Mark Driscoll

Corban University of Salem, Oregon used to be called Western Baptist College. It used to be a Christian college that did not promote contemplative spirituality or the emerging church, and it used to be on the Lighthouse Trails “good” Christian…

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NEW BOOKLET: A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists)

A Directory of Authors (Three NOT Recommended Lists) written and compiled by Chris Lawson is our newest Lighthouse Trails Print Booklet Tract. The Booklet Tract is 14 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50%…

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NEW BOOKLET: They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus

They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years written by the Editors at Lighthouse Trails is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet  is 14 pages long and sells for…

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Liberty Univ. Under Fire for ‘Destructive’ Counseling, Winking at Sexual Immorality on Campus

LTRP Note: Show us a Christian college that is becoming laxed in its views toward homosexuality, and we’ll show you a college that has been promoting contemplative spirituality for some time. They go hand in hand. Liberty University is just such…

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The Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books – A “NOT RECOMMENDED Reading List” and 25 Christian “Bridgers” to Them

LTRP Note: Ray Yungen and the editors at Lighthouse Trails have put together our Top 50 “Christian” Contemplative Books  – A “Not Recommended Reading List.” If your pastor, your professor, your children, or your friends are reading any of these books, then they…

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Newest Seminary Added to Contemplative College List – Reformed Theological Seminary

In answer to an e-mail we received this past week asking if Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS is a contemplative school, we responded: As to your concern whether contemplative is being taught at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, the…

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Driscoll ‘sex talk’ pastor unwelcome at Falwell’s university?

By Art Moore  WorldNetDaily Accustomed to public controversy as an outspoken defender of traditional marriage in the secular Pacific Northwest, mega-church pastor Mark Driscoll apparently is meeting some resistance in the Bible Belt this month as he prepares to bring…

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Mark Driscoll and Liberty University Are Good Match – Both Promote Contemplative Spirituality

The Associated Baptist Press article, Mark Driscoll’s visit to Liberty University making waves, caught our attention. Driscoll will be speaking at Liberty University as part of a promotional tour for his new book, Real Marriage. The article states: The conservative…

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“They Hate Christianity But Love (Another) Jesus” – How Conservative Christians Are Being Manipulated and Ridiculed, Especially During Election Years

In 2007 and 2008, books, videos, broadcasts, and news articles were pouring into mainstream America with a guilt-ridden message that basically manipulated conservative Christians into thinking that either they shouldn’t vote because “Jesus wouldn’t vote,” or they shouldn’t vote on…

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They Like Jesus, But Not the Church (or, “They Like (Another) Jesus But Not the Church, the Bible, Morality, or the Truth”)

LTRP Note: We are reposting this book review because, as it was in 2008, another presidential election year is upon us, and we are witnessing another onslaught against conservative Bible-believing Christians by mass media as well as emerging church authors…

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