Tag: eastern meditation

Popular Christian Magazine – RELEVANT – Tells Millennials to Practice Breath Prayers and Mindfulness Meditation

A summer 2018 Relevant Magazine article titled “Why Learning to Breathe May Be the Best Way to Pray,”  tells readers that, Breath prayer [are] an ancient Christian prayer practice with origins in the lives of the Desert Fathers and Mothers, is…

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Letter to the Editor: BlueCross BlueShield Health Insurance Now Offering Mindfulness

To Lighthouse Trails: BlueCross BlueShield Health Insurance is now promoting mindfulness. Anthony LT Note: Below is the e-mail Anthony received from BlueCross Blueshield. While this particular ad is from BlueCross BlueShield North Carolina, we checked other states, and it appears…

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Fresno, California “Church Calendar” Illustrates Major Paradigm Shift in “Church in America”

Purpose Driven, ecumenism, eastern meditation, the road to Rome, social justice, interspirituality, Chrislam, Oneness, and the New Age. This is the new landscape of church in America. Click image to enlarge. Courtesy of a Lighthouse Trails Reader – from a…

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The Desert Fathers and the Methods They Used

By Ray Yungen Catholic priest William Shannon in his book, Seeds of Peace, explained the human dilemma as being the following: This forgetfulness, of our oneness with God, is not just a personal experience, it is the corporate experience of…

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NEW BOOKLET Provides Irrefutable Evidence: A Serious Look at Richard Foster’s “School” of Contemplative Prayer

LTRP Note: For thirteen years, Lighthouse Trails has been warning about the contemplative prayer movement. In this new booklet, Ray Yungen has provided new information that makes the contemplative argument (against it) irrefutable. We intend to send a copy of…

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Dr. Oz Accused of Medical “Quackery” While His New Age/Spiritual “Quackery” Goes Unaddressed by Rick Warren and the Church

Major secular and Christian news media sources are reporting on an effort by 10 doctors to oust celebrity doctor, Dr. Mehmet Oz, from his faculty position at Columbia University for what the doctors are calling “egregious lack of integrity” and promoting “quack treatments.” The ten…

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Letter to the Editor: Liberty University Offering Yoga Classes . . . AGAIN!

To Lighthouse Trails: Just a quick thank you for all the work you do!  Your site has given me a wealth of information the past few years!!  It is my “go to” site for checking authors speakers and other matters….

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NEW BOOKLET: DANGERS & DECEPTIONS of The Martial Arts and Why One Woman Walked Away From a Championship Career

DANGERS & DECEPTIONS  of The Martial Arts and Why One Woman Walked Away  From a Championship Career written by Linda Nathan is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity…

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NEW BOOKLET: The “Spiritual” Truth Behind Alcoholics Anonymous—And Why Christians Should Think Twice About Joining A.A.

The “Spiritual” Truth Behind Alcoholics Anonymous written by John Lanagan is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The Booklet Tract is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as 50% off retail.  Below…

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Ohio Congressman Tim Ryan’s Meditation Crusade – Hopes to Influence Other Congress Members (and All Americans)

LTRP Note: The following news story is posted, not as an endorsement of the content but for informational and research purposes. The implications of this story are staggering in that Congressman Tim Ryan (D) hopes that other congress members will benefit…

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The Impact of Practical Mystics vs. Cults

By Ray Yungen (Author of A Time of Departing) Evangelical scholar David L. Smith correctly assessed the powerful, yet subtle, impact New Age spirituality is having on society when he made the following observations: Not since Gnosticism at the dawn…

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