Tag: egerton ryerson young
A true story taken from Northern Campfires and Indian Wigwams (LT edition) By Egerton Ryerson YoungMissionary to the Cree people in Northern Manitoba in the late 1800s The following incident occurred years ago on the great plains of the Canadian…
By Egerton Ryerson Young(Missionary to the Cree people in Manitoba in the late 1800s) The following incident occurred years ago on the great plains of the Canadian Northwest, long before the waves of Anglo-Saxon civilization began to surge over those…
LTRP Note: The following is a Lighthouse Trails topical booklet. Lighthouse Trails now publishes 145 booklets, written by over 30 authors. These inexpensive ($1.95 each) booklets are designed to give away, and based on comments and feedback from our readers,…
LTRP Note: The following is a story from the book Stories From Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires. The book was written by Egerton Ryerson Young, a young Canadian missionary in the late 1800s, who, with his wife and small children, spent years with the Native people…
Two weeks ago, a 26-year-old Christian man named John Allen Chau was killed when he attempted to make contact with a remote tribe on North Sentinel Island, one of the Andaman Islands of India According to reports, Chau had…
By Egerton Ryerson Young Written in the late 1800s (author of Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires) I was interrupted one day while sitting in my study by the quiet entrance of a stalwart Indian whom I had not…
By David Dombrowski Editor at Lighthouse Trails Publishing I find it rather interesting how God has orchestrated things in life, which demonstrate His great love and ongoing mercy to ordinary people like myself. But, more specifically, I am thinking right…
By Egerton Ryerson Young (A Canadian missionary from the 1800s and the author of Stories From Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires) Far away in the forest wilds, several hundreds of miles north-east of the city of Winnipeg, there dwelt in…
LTRP Note: In the spring of 2011, Lighthouse Trails published Stories From Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires. The book, written by Egerton Ryerson Young, an itinerate preacher and missionary to the Canadian Native Americans in the late 1800s, is a fascinating…
LTRP Note: Egerton Ryerson Young was a young Canadian missionary in the late 1800s, who, with his wife and two small children, spent years with the Native people in Canada, living among them, loving them, and sharing the Gospel and the…
LTRP Note: The following is a story from the book Stories From Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires. The book was written by Egerton Ryerson Young, a young Canadian missionary in the late 1800s, who, with his wife and small children, spent years with the Native…
Written in the late 1800s by Egerton Ryerson Young (author of Stories from Indian Wigwams and Northern Campfires) I was interrupted one day while sitting in my study by the quiet entrance of a stalwart Indian whom I had not…