Tag: evangelism
See Part 1 of our 2023 Year in Review. See Part 2 of our 2023 Year in Review. Top 5 2023 Articles by Lighthouse Trails Editors 1) Hard Lessons in Discernment: People often wonder, whether they verbalize it or not,…
By Roger OaklandFrom the book, Witness to This Generation What is the Gospel? To every Christian believer, the word Gospel means “the Good News.” And this Good News has no denominational, racial, ethnic, or national boundaries. It is a free…
By Mike Oppenheimer When Paul spoke the Gospel to these religious pagans in Athens on Mars Hill for the first time, he didn’t wait to become friends first to “share his beliefs.” This is an absurd method to abide by. He…
By Mike Oppenheimer Editor’s Note: Today, it is common to hear the argument that since Paul quoted pagan poets in Acts 17, it’s OK for Christians to quote those who teach false doctrine. Adherents of the emerging/progressive church and contemplative spirituality have…
Lighthouse Trails Publishing now has 141 topical booklets, and all of them are currently on sale for 20% off. The booklets start at $1.95 each, with quantity discounts starting at 6 or more of the same title. Each booklet is…
LTRP Note: The following are some of the recent comments made by LT readers on the Coronavirus articles we have posted. There is a variety of persuasions in how the Coronavirus situation is looked at, but you will find some…
By Harry IronsideFrom his book, Full Assurance: Finding Settled Peace With God For the most of my life, I have been an itinerant preacher of the Gospel, traveling often as much as thirty to forty thousand miles a year to…
Lighthouse Trails Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Witness to This Generation—Creation Evangelism for the Last Days written by Roger Oakland. Description: There has never been a more critical time to sow the truth of the Gospel into our…
LTRP Note: Recently, a father called us very concerned about the growing popularity of “Pub Theology.” He asked if we had any information about it. The late Larry DeBruyn wrote the following article in 2009 and gave permission for Lighthouse…
By Mike Oppenheimer Editors Note: Today, it is common to hear the argument that since Paul quoted pagan poets in Acts 17, it’s OK for Christians to quote those who teach false doctrine. Adherents of the emerging church and…
LTRP Note: The following story was submitted by a Lighthouse Trails reader and was written by her friend who just passed away. We are posting it as an exhortation to those who feel discouraged in trying to talk to friends,…
As many of you know, Lighthouse Trails beloved author and co-laborer in Christ, Ray Yungen, passed away on October 16th 2016 at the age of 64 due to complications from a cancer treatment. Ray had just finished the rough draft…