Tag: ezekiel
Posted on October 3, 2016
By Roger Oakland Understand The Times International & The Good Shepherd Calls Ministry Both Old Testament and New Testament writers warned ravenous wolves sneaking into flocks led by false shepherds and cleverly harming the unprotected sheep. This is a fact…
Posted on March 21, 2013
LTRP Note: Every day, we receive letters, e-mails, and phone calls from believers around the world. So many of them are standing courageously for the faith, even in the midst of ridicule, loss of friends, and often church homes. Here…
Posted on September 13, 2011
By Roger Oakland Chapter eight of the book of Ezekiel is a very revealing portion of the Bible when it comes to exposing the sins of spiritual leaders of Ezekiel’s day. The leaders were going about their ministries as usual…