Tag: foxe’s book of martyrs

While Protestants Commemorate Reformation This Month, Papal Persecution Regarding the Eucharist Often Ignored

By Philip Gray (Freelance writer and defender of the faith) October 31, 2017 is being commemorated by many Protestant groups as the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Many groups are using the occasion to suggest that there is no need…

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Letter to the Editor: The Martyrs of Old and Choices Christians Will Have to Make

Dear Lighthouse Trails: I am nearly 60 years old and until now have NEVER read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. Shame on me! I am nearly finished with it. All I can say is, I never knew! All I could think…

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If Rick Warren is Right, Why Did These Martyrs Even Die At the Hands of the Roman Catholic Church?

LTRP Note: Please refer to our previous post titled “Rick Warren: Protestants, Catholics Must Unite to Defend Life, Sex, Marriage – ‘We’re on the Same Team’”  to understand what we mean by the title of this article. “An Account of…

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Wayne Tyndale: “A Special Instrument Appointed by the Lord” – Strangled and Burned at the Stake

By John Foxe (from Foxe’s Book of Martyrs) William Tyndale was a special instrument appointed by the Lord as God’s pick-axe to shake the inward roots and foundation of the pope’s proud churchdom. The prince of darkness, with his impious…

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The Persecution of John Huss, Brave Defender of the Christian Faith

By John Foxe (Author of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs) John Huss [1372-1415] John Huss was born at Hussenitz, a village in Bohemia, about the year 1372. His parents gave him the best education their circumstances would admit; and having acquired…

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Obama Acknowledges: ISIS Seeks to Kill Those Who ‘Worship a Different God’

By Heather Clark Christian News Network WASHINGTON – In an interview with CBS on Sunday, while repeating his assertion that the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) does not represent the Islamic religion, Barack Obama acknowledged that the group…

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“And They Loved Not Their Lives Unto the Death”

LTRP Note: The following is chapter one of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (LT edition) and covers some of the first martyrs in the Christian faith including Peter, Paul, and Stephen. May we, as believers in Christ, in our present day…

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Anti-Religion Jeff Bethke Hits the News Again – New Book, Same Message: “Imagine No Religion”

 Not only are there political quests being achieved through the indoctrination of these young people, but these young followers are becoming convinced that a socialistic religion-killing society is the only solution for man. Jeff Bethke, the 24-year-old man who did the anti-religion YouTube video in 2012,…

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Letter to the Editor: Concerned About Voice of the Martyrs Catholic Promotion

Hello Lighthouse Trails: I am wondering if you can help me out here.  I have been a long-time financial supporter of Voice of the Martyrs and each Sunday I try sending an encouraging postcard to a persecuted Christian somewhere (from…

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1560 – The Martyrdom of Nicholas Burton, an English Merchant in Spain

By John Foxe (author of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs) Mr. Nicholas Burton, a citizen of London, was dwelling in the city of Cadiz, Spain, where he was engaged in the business of trading merchandise. On November 5, 1560, there came…

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Mrs. Prest – She Said No to Apostasy and Became a Martyr

From Foxe’s Book of Martyrs During the Reign of Queen Mary (Bloody Mary) in England – [1553-1558] Mrs. Prest for some time lived about Cornwall, where she had a husband and children whose bigotry compelled her to frequent the abominations…

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A Jesuit Pope? Understanding The Jesuit Agenda and the Evangelical/Protestant Church

LTRP Note: Nearly two years ago, we issued this special report. With a newly elected Jesuit Pope in the Vatican, we thought it would be timely to repost this important article. It is also in booklet form as one of…

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