Tag: fractals
Posted on February 13, 2017
LTRP Note: The Shack movie is soon to be released, and Christians and non-Christians alike will fill movie theaters to watch it. Before you open your minds and hearts up to this movie, please study the facts behind the book,…
Posted on June 21, 2016
By Jennifer P. Used with permission. I finished reading my copy of William P. Young’s, The Shack and had something happen that I want to share for those who are interested. While reading The Shack, I rented a movie that came out…
Posted on February 4, 2011
LTRP Note: The author of the article below, Jennifer Pekich, is the same “Jennifer” talked about in A “Wonderful” Deception on fractal theory in the best selling book, The Shack. Fractal Theory in The Shack by Jennifer Pekich (Ponderings from…