Tag: franklin graham

Christian Leaders—A New Openness . . . to the Catholic Church

LTRP Note: The information in this article was written a few years ago, but it remains as relevant today as it did back then—in fact, more so as you can see from the articles we link to at the bottom of…

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Pope Francis/Vatican Launch eRosary to Help Bring About “World Peace”

In October of this year, Pope Francis and the Vatican launched the “eRosary” app with the hopes of drawing in more young people to pray the rosary. A BBC article, “Vatican launches new ‘eRosary’ bracelet,” states: The Vatican is hoping…

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Will Christians Replace Commitment to the Gospel for Commitment to a Unified Dominionist Agenda to “Save the Country”?

The headline above is from an article Lighthouse Trails wrote in 2015. We are posting this article again because this month four highly popular evangelical leaders did something that more than surprised many people. And we believe what they did…

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DRESS REHEARSAL FOR A FALSE REVIVAL? – Evangelical, Charismatic, Emerging Leaders, & Pope Francis Unite for “Together 2016” in Washington, DC

According to a news release from PRWire titled “Pope Francis To Address Americans At National Mall Event ’Together 2016’ With Special Video Message,” Pope Francis will be joining (via video) evangelical leaders such as Ravi Zacharias, Luis Palau, Michael W….

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2014 LIGHTHOUSE TRAILS YEAR IN REVIEW—Final Part: Top 10 Articles by LT Editors

1. Evangelical Church Takes Another Big Step Toward Rome—This Time? Franklin Graham 2. Thomas Nelson Deletes Controversial Material From Jesus Calling 3. Larry Crabb to Join Richard Foster’s Renovare Contemplative Conference – Christian Leaders Continue to Promote Crabb 4. Mark…

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Evangelical Church Takes Another Big Step Toward Rome—This Time? Franklin Graham

Editor’s Note: As we continue on with our coverage regarding evangelical leaders and their ecumenical moves toward Roman Catholicism, we once again wish to state that we bear no animosity toward individual Catholics, but we are compelled to challenge these…

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Shalem-Trained Contemplative Fil Anderson Member of Samaritan’s Purse “Spiritual Care Team”

Fil Anderson is a name Lighthouse Trails has been acquainted with for several years because of his book Running on Empty: Contemplative Spirituality for Overachievers and his involvement with organizations such as Youth Specialties and Young Life (Anderson had been in Young Life leadership for…

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