Tag: georgi vins

If Persecution Comes, Are Western Christians Ready?

For nearly ten years now, Lighthouse Trails has been publishing the works of Georgi Vins, the Baptist pastor who was persecuted under the former U.S.S.R., (spending a total of eight years in the communist prisons). To date, we have obtained…

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“True Revival in the Midst of Persecution” – The World Will Not Love “True Revival”

By Georgi P. Vins(Pastor in USSR who spent 8 years in Soviet prison camps for his faith | Author of The Gospel in Bonds) Revival At the beginning of the 1960s, the Lord sent a spiritual revival among the Evangelical Baptists1 of…

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How Now Shall We Live? – A Prisoner for His Faith Shows Us

LTRJ Note: In the 1960s and 1970s, Baptist pastor Georgi Vins was a prisoner of faith in the U.S.S.R., along with many thousands of other believers. But prior to that (in the 1930s), when Georgi was just a boy, his…

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New Book Release: Three Generations of Suffering by Georgi Vins

Lighthouse Trails Publishing is pleased to announce the release of Three Generations of Suffering: A Chronicle of One Family’s Persecution in an Atheistic Society, written by Georgi Vins. The book was originally published in 1975 by David C. Cook Publishing…

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A Pastor in a Soviet Prison—The Most Dangerous of All!

By Georgi Vins(Author of The Gospel in Bonds – a pastor who spent 8 years in the Soviet prisons for his faith in Christ) Anvar and I were the only prisoners in the “raven,” a black police van used to transport prisoners. He…

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Georgi Vins—”Three Generations of Suffering”

LTRP Note: As many of our readers know, Lighthouse Trails publishes two books by the late Georgi Vins, former USSR religious prisoner and a leader of the uncompromised underground church in the Soviet Union during the Communist regime. This fall,…

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Natasha Vins, Daughter of Former Soviet Religious Prisoner Georgi Vins, Passes Away at 67

Note: The editors at Lighthouse Trails have been aware of the Vins’ family since the late 1970s when Georgi Vins was a prisoner for his faith in the U.S.S.R. Today, Lighthouse Trails is the publisher for two of Georgi Vins’…

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“Don’t Touch That Dial!

By Georgi Vins [Georgi Vins spent a total of eight years in Communist prisons, starting at the age of 32, for his faith in Christ. The following is one of his stories from The Gospel in Bonds. In our eyes,…

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A Week With Murderers in a Soviet Prison Camp

LTRJ Note: Georgi Vins was a Baptist pastor in the U.S.S.R. during the communist reign. He was sentenced to many years in prison for preaching the Gospel starting when he was 32 years old. Most North American Christians will never…

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Taking the Gospel to the Siberian People

LTRP Note: As many of you know, Lighthouse Trails is the publisher for a book called The Gospel in Bonds, written by the late pastor Georgi Vins. Pastor Vins spent 8 years in a USSR prison camp in the 1960s…

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NEW BOOKLET: Remembering the Persecuted Church and Why We Need to Pray

NEW BOOKLET: Remembering the Persecuted Church and Why We Need to Pray by Susan Moore is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.  The Booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as much as…

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Would You Be Willing to Lose All for the Sake of Christ?

LTRP Note: Earlier this month Putin, the leader of Russia, brought into existence a law which prohibits the free preaching and sharing of the Gospel. Those in violation of this new law will be issued severe fines. In the 1960s…

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