Tag: gerald may

SPECIAL REPORT: Assemblies of God “Believe” Conference Makes Bold Move – Brings in Contemplative Key Player Ruth Haley Barton

Update Note: For some articles written about this issue that came out after the article below, click here. This August, in Orlando, Florida, the Assemblies of God USA will be presenting their General Council Conference, which takes place every two…

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Letter to the Editor: My Church is Having a “Contemplative Communion” Good Friday

To Lighthouse Trails: My church just started advertising a “Contemplative Communion” service for Good Friday. My pastor is really into contemplative prayer, spiritual disciplines, etc. Since I’m a faithful reader of your site (and the BIBLE!), I know that this…

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Newest Seminary Added to Contemplative College List – Reformed Theological Seminary

In answer to an e-mail we received this past week asking if Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS is a contemplative school, we responded: As to your concern whether contemplative is being taught at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS, the…

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