Tag: god’s word

The Berean Call’s DVD Critique Shows How the New “Chosen”-Endorsed “The Promised Land” Series Is a Mockery of Truth

The new movie series The Promised Land released its pilot episode this past summer with 170+ episodes planned ahead. The series is directed by Mitch Hudson (an assistant director from The Chosen) and is being presented as a “mockumentary” about…

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God’s Word Declares the Importance of Being Watchful and Discerning

By Warren B. Smith Christian seek not yet repose,Cast thy dreams of ease away;Thou art in the midst of foes: Watch and pray.Watch as if that alone were the issue of the day;Pray that help may be sent down: Watch…

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Letter to the Editor: A Plea to My Church Leaders Regarding “Jesus Calling” and “The Message”

Dear Lighthouse Trails: Please find below a letter I wrote to one of my pastors. I hope this will be helpful to others reading it who are in a similar situation at their own churches. Dear _____________,I have had a…

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New Booklet: The Chosen and the Bible: Serious Considerations That Can’t Be Ignored

Lighthouse Trails is pleased to announce the release of a new booklet, The Chosen and the Bible: Serious Considerations That Can’t Be Ignored. This is a Spiritual Research Network publication and has been a collaborative effort by SRN, LT, and…

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Throwing Out the Ministry of the Apostle Paul?

In a time when the church is being overrun with unbiblical teachings and off-the-wall opinions and recommendations by so many of today’s pastors and leaders, we have been puzzled at Lighthouse Trails why even the “good” pastors and teachers rarely…

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Christian Reconnaissance

On protecting our minds and souls during a time of growing spiritual warfare By Maria Kneas Spiritual warfare is increasing. The spiritual atmosphere keeps getting darker. And in the world around us, we are seeing more and more evil—shameless, in-your-face…

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“Certain Men Crept In”

By Roger Oakland Jude was called by God to send a message to the church. It seemed the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ was being compromised. Apparently, “certain men crept in unawares” and were the cause of great concern. Jude…

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Remaining Hopeful Through It All

By Warren B. Smith To a believer, the expression “hope springs eternal” means that our hope is always in Jesus Christ. He is our hope because He gives eternal life to those who put their hope and faith in Him (1…

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A Dangerous Walk With Eugene Peterson

By Warren B. Smith The danger of entrusting one’s Christian walk to Eugene Peterson and his Message translation was dramatically underscored in a 2007 book Peterson wrote titled The Jesus Way. In describing a group hike he took with friends…

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Ironside: “Saved by His Life”

By Harry Ironside (1876-1951)From his book, Changed by Beholding What does it mean then, when it says we “are saved by His life?” It means this, that He who died for us on the Cross now lives to carry us…

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The Trinity: Christology

By Mike Oppenheimer From his book, The Trinity: The Triune Nature of God If we are to grasp who God is, we must understand the core doctrine of the nature of God. Acceptance of the biblical view is what separates…

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Discernment Detractors: Calling Good Evil

By Warren B. Smith Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!—Isaiah 5:20 In the first book of Kings, God comes…

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