Tag: gospel

Halloween! A Warning to Christian Parents

LTRP Note: This warning by former New Ager Johanna Michaelsen is also available as a Lighthouse Trails booklet, suitable to give to others. We also offer a special Halloween Give-Away Pack. The pack is only $2.75 and includes the booklet below plus…

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“That in Me Ye Might Have Peace”

By Harry Ironside That in me ye might have peace. (John 16:33) How long it takes many of us to learn that peace is found in Christ alone. We seek for it everywhere else, but seek in vain, until at…

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A Week With Murderers in a Soviet Prison Camp

LTRJ Note: Georgi Vins was a Baptist pastor in the U.S.S.R. during the communist reign. He was sentenced to many years in prison for preaching the Gospel starting when he was 32 years old. Most North American Christians will never…

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Calvinism Book: A Hornet’s Nest

By Judson Casjens Hornets are considered “social wasps,” and they build communal nests by chewing wood to make a papery pulp. Each nest has one queen, who lays eggs and is attended by workers who, while genetically female, cannot lay…

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Are the “Supreme Beings” of the Nations the True God?

By Sandy Simpson When did ANY of the Patriarchs and Prophets in the Old Testament and the apostles or Jesus Christ in the New Testament ever claim that the “supreme beings” of the nations were Elohim/YHWH, the one True God?…

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Interview with Roger Oakland: Setting the Record Straight

The following audio interview took place on June 15th, 2016 with Roger Oakland and a Calvary Chapel pastor. We believe this interview sets the record straight in a number of areas. Within hours of this interview, Roger Oakland was rushed…

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Three Songs to the “Underground” Church in North America

Courtesy of Understand The Times, International Trevor Baker Please Listen To Theses Songs (Click title and open in media player) Still Some Left I Don’t Fit In I Wish I Had Your Life Go to his web site “https:” ==…

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Bryce Homes Kenya March 2016 Report 2

By Roger Oakland Yesterday was another extremely busy day in Kenya. With very little sleep the night before, there was no time to rest during the day. After breakfast, our driver picked us up, and we were taken to the…

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Ironside: A Wonderful Expectation!—He is Coming Again!

By Harry A. Ironside In the eighth chapter of the Epistle of the Romans, reading from verse 18, we have the words: For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the…

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Was Christ a Substitution for the Penalty of Sin?

LTRP Note: The emerging church teaches that the meaning of Christ’s death on the Cross wasn’t that He became our substitute for the penalty of our  sins, as a loving God would never send His Son to a violent death…

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Food for Thought

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International From time to time a news article catches my attention and provides an excellent analogy for a spiritual lesson. Such was the case when I read the following headline posted by the Associated…

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2012 YEAR IN REVIEW – FINAL PART – “Top 10 Lighthouse Trails In-House Articles for 2012”

1/Looking to the Past to Unravel Confusion About Rick Warren, Islam, and Warren’s All-Inclusive “Second Reformation” A recent Orange County Register news story titled “Rick Warren builds bridge to Muslims” has caught the attention of many people including several online…

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