Tag: harry fosdick

Makes No Sense for Contemplatives to Celebrate Easter

The Church’s fixation on the death of Jesus as the universal saving act must end, and the place of the cross must be reimagined in Christian faith. Why? Because of the cult of suffering and the vindictive God behind it.1—Alan…

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Celebrating the Atonement and the Resurrection While Promoting Contemplative – A Profound Contradiction

In 1922, liberal pastor and theologian Harry Emerson Fosdick stated the following words in his sermon titled “Will the Fundamentalists Win?”: “It is interesting to note where the Fundamentalists are driving in their stakes to mark out the deadline of…

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NEW BOOKLET: ATONEMENT REJECTED! How the Emerging Church Views Christ’s Death on the Cross

NEW BOOKLET: ATONEMENT REJECTED! How the Emerging Church Views Christ’s Death on the Cross by Roger Oakland is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet.  The Booklet is 10 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are as…

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John MacArthur Long-Standing Broadcast Favorably Quotes Dallas Willard – Why This is a Bad Move

This past weekend, Lighthouse Trails received the following letter from one of our readers: To Lighthouse Trails: Please listen to the sermon dated August 21st [at Grace to You].  I was shocked when John MacArthur promoted Dallas Willard.  Has anyone else contacted you…

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The Cross is Barbarity & a Slaughterhouse Religion – So Says Emerging Church Leaders

by Roger Oakland In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. (Ephesians 1:7) For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we…

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