Tag: heresy

Letter to the Editor: On The Chosen and Its Attempt to Strip Christ of His Deity

To Lighthouse Trails: As many did, I bought the Season 1 DVD of The Chosen and watched it with great anticipation. By the time I reached the end of Season 1, I had an uneasy feeling in my spirit. I…

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That Dreaded Word . . . HERESY!!

(Kevin Reeves was an elder and a member of a “River” (Latter Rain, Word Faith, etc.) church for many years. His book, The Other Side of the River chronicles those years and the story of how he and his wife were…

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Video Critique: The Chosen—Calling John the Baptist “Creepy John” and Jesus and John the Baptist Arguing About Herod

Did you know that in the hugely popular series, The Chosen, the apostle Peter continually calls John the Baptist “creepy John”? Yet the Bible highly esteems John the Baptist saying he would “be great in the sight of the Lord”…

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How To Deal With Those Who Teach False Doctrine – According to Scripture

Lighthouse Trails has always made great efforts to speak the truth in love. We attempt to never be vitriolic or judge one’s motives, not even the “worst” of them. We leave that part up to God. We also attempt to make…

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Wm. Paul Young Teaches New Age Lie About Separation on TBN

By Warren B. Smith As soon as you—all who know your potentials—can tell this vision on television, you will have begun your real work in the world.—The New Age “Christ”1 On the March 12, 2017 episode 5 of Restoring The…

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A Trojan Horse in the Body of Christ

By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International There is an interesting legendary story from Greek mythology that describes a Trojan Horse. Simply defined, one dictionary states: [H]uge hollow wooden horse constructed by the Greeks to gain entrance into Troy during…

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How to Deal with Those Who Teach False Doctrine – According to Scripture

Lighthouse Trails has always made great efforts to speak the truth in love. We attempt to never be vitriolic or judge one’s motives, not even the “worst” of them. We leave that part up to God. We also attempt to make…

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Letter to the Editor: “Add us to the list of those who have left their [Southern Baptist] churches.”

Dear Lighthouse Trails: We have been readers of your research site, Warren Smith’s, Ray Yungen’s, and Roger Oakland’s discernment books for many years and praise the Lord for their willingness to educate and expose evil. Please add us to your…

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Seattle Megachurch Mars Hill Dissolves 2 Weeks After Founder Mark Driscoll Resigns

LTRP Note: On October 20th, Lighthouse Trails posted the following article: “Mark Driscoll Resigns From Mars Hill Church For Social Failures – But Media Silent on Controversial Doctrinal Issues.” Below is a related news article by Associated Press. No doubt,…

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Matthew 18 – And Heretics and Hypocrites

By Paul Proctor Free-lance writer Used with permission. Every now and then I get a terse email from someone who has taken exception to my candid comments on Rick Warren, asking questions like: “Have you ever spoken with him personally…

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Letter to the Editor: In Looking for a Good Church, “What’s a Sheep to do?”

To Lighthouse Trails: Hello there, I am hoping you can provide some assistance with this question I have. With the influx of the heresies that are being introduced into the church, how am I supposed to go about finding a…

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California Church Disaffiliates With the Calvary Chapel Movement Over Heretical Connections

LTRP Note: As many of you know, Roger Oakland, of Understand the Times, International, and Chris Lawson, of Spiritual Research Network, are former Calvary Chapel pastors/teachers, who both left the movement when their warnings about the infiltration of serious false…

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