Tag: Hinduism
By Ray Yungen Catholic priest William Shannon, in his book Seeds of Peace, explained the human dilemma as being the following: This forgetfulness, of our oneness with God, is not just a personal experience, it is the corporate experience of humanity. Indeed,…
Occultic Practices & Beliefs Crossing Into Charismatic Revivalism by Chris Lawson is our newest Lighthouse Trails Booklet. The booklet is 18 pages long and sells for $1.95 for single copies. Quantity discounts are available. Our booklets are designed to give…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I am enclosing some magazine articles put out by the Salvation Army during the summer of 2022. One of them is from Peer magazine that is for teenagers and college-age kids. The article from that magazine is…
Note: The following is from Ray Yungen’s updated booklet on Yoga. Today, countless numbers of Christians (and the churches they attend) are incorporating Yoga exercises into their lives, thinking that “just doing the exercises” is OK. If you know someone…
LTRP Note: Lighthouse Trails author Carl Teichrib has attended a number of the Parliaments of the World Religions and has documented in his book Game of Gods and other writings what takes place at these events. As Lighthouse Trails has…
By Dave HuntThe Berean Call Prayer breakfasts often promote the appealing lie that God will bless the plans of anyone who calls upon Him to do so. Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims and atheists are all welcomed and nothing must be said…
LTRP Note: The following news story is posted for informational and research purposes. Lighthouse Trails has been warning about Yoga and so-called “Christian Yoga” for many years; yet, the practice of Yoga in churches is accelerating. By Frontlines Ohio One…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: My name is ____________. I’m a former Hindu, metal head, New Age believer who denied my Savior back in my days until about five to six years ago when on a night of watching Youtube videos on…
[I]f you were to jump off a cliff with the intent to fly saying the word “fly, fly, fly” as you jump off and someone else jumped off the same cliff with the intent to hit the bottom saying “fall,…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I am from a Hindu background. The word Yoga has developed from the word Yog. Yog means union. So when you do Yoga, you can expect your spirit to be in union with “divine spirit” completely. According…
By Bill Randles LTRP Note: This is the second part of Bill Randles’ earlier article: Self Exalted Above God . . . The Delusion Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there…
God’s Dream for humanity is the gradual realization that we can become One.—Jean Vanier (1) On May 7th, Canadian Catholic humanitarian, Jean Vanier, died at the age of 90.2 Vanier, founder of L’Arche where Henri Nouwen spent the last ten…