Tag: hippies
The following out-of-house article (after our comments below) is posted for informational and research purposes. Lighthouse Trails is a research ministry and does at times post articles by various news sources to bring light to events happening in our world…
By Linda and Richard NathanFormer New Age followers and authors of The Glittering Web and Darkness Comes in Like a Flood It was 1962, and there was a sense of awakening in the air, a call to a different kind…
Former New Age follower Richard Nathan will be interviewed today on the Parker J. Cole Show. Richard will share how Christ rescued him from a life of darkness as a Marxist-Socialist and Atheist. The show will air online at 2pm…
LTRP Note: Two years ago, Lighthouse Trails released a booklet titled The Cross and the Marijuana Leaf, written by Linda Nathan. Because of the fast-growing legalization of marijuana (both medically and recreationally) across North America, we are reposting this booklet….
Dear Lighthouse Trails editors: Do you remember “the Jesus Movement” of the late 60s and early 70s? The Lord brought to my mind something, and I thought I would share. I don’t know what was taking place where you lived in…
“How can we know if something is not a move of God? In today’s church, there are two significant signs that can be looked at to answer this question.”—Roger Oakland By Roger Oakland Understand the Times, International Throughout my life,…
LTRP Note: Yoga is on the rise in the Western world. Even in Christian circles, Yoga is being widely practiced. “Christian” Yoga teachers say that the exercises can be done without invoking Eastern mysticism. But this is not accurate information….
Note: Ray Yungen’s explanation of what “New Age” shows why Lighthouse Trails says the New Age has infiltrated Christianity. When we realize that mystical meditation is at the heart of the New Age as well as at the heart of contemplative spirituality,…