Tag: Internet

Commentary: The American Media, the Change in Control of the Internet, and the Threat to Freedom & Truth

By Bill Randles (Used with permission) I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work. (John 9:4) The Internet is an amazing phenomenon. In spite of all…

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Online porn seen by 200,000 kids in one month, study says

From the Christian Institute (UK) Posted for informational purposes to show the danger that children are in in our computer-driven society today and as a reminder to parents to protect their children from pornography and sexual abuse. At least 200,000…

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How to Protect Your Child From Sexual Predators – Part 1 – The Internet

By Investigative Sergeant Patrick Crough (author of Seducers Among Our Children, Lighthouse Trails, 2012) I was investigating crimes against children long before the Internet became part of our daily lives. When I began my career, the Internet was still very…

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Controlling the Internet

By Russ Jones OneNewsNow Congress has approved a resolution that urges the Obama administration to go against the desires of the president and refute attempts to give the United Nations the power to control the Internet. Since the defeat of…

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Commentary: 5 Reasons Why the US Domain Seizures Are Unconstitutional

David Makarewicz Out of House Commentary Torrent Freak Last week, Bryan McCarthy, the 32-year-old operator of ChannelSurfing.net, was arrested on charges of criminal copyright infringement. This arrest has once again raised questions about the seizure of domains operated by those…

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Dept. of Homeland Security “Accidentally” Blocks 84,000 Websites

Kurt Nimmo Infowars.com Blocking the access of 84,000 websites from the internet is not a mistake. It was a beta test by the government to test the technical aspects of the action and gauge response. The government is not in…

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As Egypt goes offline US gets internet ‘kill switch’ bill ready

Ben Grubb and Asher Moses The Sydney Morning Herald As Egypt’s government attempts to crackdown on street protests by shutting down internet and mobile phone services, the US is preparing to reintroduce a bill that could be used to shut…

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WorldNetDaily: “Big Brother tightens choke hold on Internet”

WorldNetDaily Editor’s Note: The following report is excerpted from Jerome Corsi’s Red Alert, the premium online newsletter published by the current No. 1 best-selling author, WND staff writer and senior managing director of the Financial Services Group at Gilford Securities….

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Homeland Security Shuts Down Web Sites in Piracy Crackdown

By BEN SISARIO New York Times In what appears to be the latest phase of a far-reaching federal crackdown on online piracy of music and movies, the Web addresses of a number of sites that facilitate illegal file-sharing were seized…

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FCC Moves to Regulate Internet–Even Though the Law Calls for Internet to be ‘Unfettered by Federal or State Regulation’

By Matt Cover, Staff Writer, CNS News (CNSNews.com) – The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on Thursday to begin the formal process of bringing the Internet under greater federal control – a move sought by both President Barack Obama and…

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