Tag: Islam

Minister wants Obama to become Ameer-ul-Momineen

(Courtesy Understand the Times with Roger Oakland) The Nation Web Paper ISLAMABAD – In a development that could be duly termed as one and only of its kind, an incumbent Government’s Minister has urged US President Barrack Obama to offer…

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What the Kings of the earth have done…Psalm 2 – A Commentary

A COMMENTARY BY BILL RANDLES BELIEVERS IN GRACE FELLOWSHIP Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, Let us break their bands asunder,…

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WorldNetDaily: Obama adviser: U.S. ‘ideal place for renewal of Islam’

By Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily A religion adviser to President Obama has close ties to the imam who wants to build a 13-story Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero. The two have been documented together discussing America as “the ideal place…

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A commentary … by Paul Proctor News with Views I view today’s “Christianity” as largely responsible for the spread of Islam in this country. In my view, Muslims are merely filling the void left by biblically illiterate and morally confused…


Seminary plans cross-training with other faiths

From OneNewsNow: According to a Christian renewal alliance, a California seminary affiliated with the United Methodist Church is revisiting its plans to launch schools of ministry for non-Christians. Two years ago, officials at the Claremont School of Theology (CST) set in motion…

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Israel/Flotilla Coverage You May Not Hear in the Mass Media – “Israel Should Go Home to Germany!”

News Reporting on the Flotilla incident:   New York Times: “An Assault Cloaked in Peace” Honest Reporting: “Flotilla Battle Unleashes Anti-Israel Wave”   From CrossTalk: “Dean of White House Press Corps says: Israel should get the H*** out of Palestine (go “home” to…

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The Selling of “Islam-Lite”

The following out of house news story is connected with Michael Carl’s (WorldNetDaily) recent article, WorldNetDaily on Mark Driscoll and Rick Warren: Growing trend to meet with Muslims rings alarm bells for some by Jamie Glazov Front Page Magazine Frontpage Interview’s…

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WorldNetDaily on Mark Driscoll and Rick Warren: Growing trend to meet with Muslims rings alarm bells for some

By Michael Carl WorldNetDaily Rick Warren promotes un-biblical interspirituality  The effort among some Christian churches to meet with Muslims and dialogue about faith is a betrayal of the basic foundations of Christianity, asserts a critic of the developing trend.  “Useful…

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