Tag: jeremiah
By Roger OaklandUnderstand the Times, International The Bible provides a vast list of characters God has used to fulfill His plan on planet Earth. Few are more dynamic in the way they fulfilled their calling than Jeremiah, one of the…
Dear Lighthouse Trails: I was very much encouraged by a Roger Oakland article originally posted 3/28/19 titled: “The Jeremiah Calling: Watching and Warning.” As believers, we are called to watch and warn. The section in the article that really stood…
By Roger OaklandUnderstand the Times, International The Bible provides a vast list of characters God has used to fulfill His plan on planet Earth. Few are more dynamic in the way they fulfilled their calling than Jeremiah, one of the…
by Roger Oakland Understand the Times The Bible provides a vast list of characters God has used as the servants He has called to fulfill His plan on planet Earth. Few are more dynamic in the way they fulfilled their…